
Nearly a hundred children can be cared for in Józsa’s first nursery school, which opened its doors on the 1st of February, 2024.

‘Józsa’s first nursery school is a much-anticipated and much-deserved development, since Józsa is one of the most popular and dynamically growing neighbourhoods in Debrecen,’ Mayor László Papp said at the inauguration of the institution. ‘The population of the district is close to 13,000, and in the recent period, the general assembly made several decisions that predict that Józsa can count on further population growth,  as he said.

He noted that the employees working here had already taken possession of the building in recent weeks, which would officially start operating today. ‘In addition to institutional development, the nursery school also has a job-creating aspect, since the nursery school starts its operation with 29 employees, in a significant part with the  participation of persons from Józsa,’ the city leader emphasised.

‘The educational institution capable of accommodating 96 people was realised with 784 million forints from the European Union, to which the city added 107 million forints from its own budget. Perhaps one of the best things in the world is to build a nursery school, a kindergarten, an educational institution, because this sends the message that there is a future, there is a demand for it and that a settlement thinks prospectively and positively about its own future. ‘Those little children who will spend their days here will represent the stability and the future of this city. I believe that an extremely nice facility generating a good feeling has been created,’ László Papp said.

He reminded that Józsa would soon have two nurseries, as the development of another nursery unit would start in the coming weeks and months in agreement with the Reformed Church. ‘In addition to this, two large daycare centres are currently being developed in Debrecen, one in Tócóvölgy and the other in Postakert,’  the Mayor pointed out.

Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs said that their goal had been to create a place for the families of Józsa where they could leave their children in good hands with a calm heart. Ákos Balázs highlighted that the number of children under the age of six in the district is constantly over a thousand, which shows that there are many young families living in Józsa.

‘Most of the developments in recent years have been implemented here in Józsa for future generations, as we previously built a gymnasium for kindergarten students, which was also an important development that fills a gap. We renovated the kindergarten in Alsójózsa, the Catholic Church built a new kindergarten, now a new school is being built next door, and the Reformed Church will build a new kindergarten,’ he listed the investments of the past period and the plans for the future.

He added that the other priority in the district was the protection of the environment. ‘Thanks to the Civaqua program, Tisza water arrived here first, trees were planted, the Environmental Control System will have two stations in Józsá, and the road network is developing,’ he said.

The Head of the Gönczy Pál Street Member Institution of DMJV’s Joint Nursery School, Aranka Szilágyi Pinczésné noted that the Józsa nursery school is the 13th in Debrecen’s joint nursery school institution. As she said, they had been working for a month to make everything suitable for the children’s arrival. ‘They have created a miracle,’ she said about the completed nursery.

Source: debrecen.hu