
The aim of the ” Move, Debrecen!” carnival is to give students, staff and family members of the participating institutions a chance to spend some time together. 

The details of the event, to be held on the 2nd of June 2024 at Oláh Gábor Street Sports Complex, were presented at a press conference on the 14th of May 2024 by Mayor László Papp, Deputy Mayor Diána Széles,  Director of the Debrecen Institute for Primary Care and Health Promotion (Daefi) Csaba Papp, and  Managing Director of Debrecen Sportcentrum Ltd., András Becsky.

Mayor László Papp emphasised  that the “Move, Debrecen!” health initiative is one of the best “inventions” of recent years. The idea was conceived sometime in the Covid period, when the epidemic closed us in, and we lost our contacts, the possibility of movement and community experiences.  The fact that the city council and the University of Debrecen cooperate in the continuous health survey of the city’s citizens was an important factor in the launch of the movement, and one of the findings of this activity is that both children and adults take relatively little exercise. The “Move, Debrecen!” health initiative was born with the intention of getting the whole city moving in a large social partnership. It was launched during the epidemic, and today 70,000 people in Debrecen have registered to take part in the movement’s programmes. The city would like to celebrate this very successful initiative with a carnival of movement. The Mayor stressed that everyone is welcome to the event to give a new impetus to the Move Debrecen movement, which has one of its greatest advantages and values in that it relies on a very broad social base and very strong social cooperation. 

Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, Diána Széles said “this event will be the crowning achievement of the “Move Debrecen!” school programme launched in October last year. The school programme, which has seen children in 44 schools moving happily and joyfully twice a week. The initiators wanted to ensure that the children received a program that could not be found anywhere else. This is a special ball game, the so-called knock-out tournament, for which 64 teams registered. The qualifiers are still going on today, and the children are doing their best to make their school a success. In this tournament, the children are not only moving, but they are in a community, doing something for their school and their city. From the “testimonials”, it seems that for many young people, the matches of this tournament are the highlight of the day”. According to Diána Széles, this is the goal, to get children out of the digital world and give them experiences that they can only have in community. The idea of the movement carnival also came from the schools, namely the Debrecen International School, so that if there is a flower carnival at the end of the summer, there should also be a movement carnival at the end of the school year. And it is the job of a caring city like Debrecen to make dreams come true. The Carnival of Movement is the realisation of a school dream, and a carnival of Debrecen families. Diána Széles thanked everyone involved in the preparation and organisation of the event.  

Director of the Debrecen Institute of Primary Care and Health Promotion (Daefi) Csaba Papp, recalled that he and his fellows had to be called home from playing football in the evenings. Nowadays, football and sport have moved into the world of the internet, and 58% of children have either mild or severe mobility problems as a result. The city provides the health-promoting physical activity facilities of the “Move, Debrecen!” school programme completely free of charge. More than 1,500 children in the city participate in the school program,  a number that corresponds to about the size of a grade at a high school. This school year’s school programme will indeed culminate in this movement carnival, which will also host the knock-out finals. Csaba Papp also said that the Carnival of Movement is open to pre-registration, which can be done here: gondoskodovaros.hu or https://frontend.festin.hu/purchase/66420782c289038b67b80e9f

CEO of the Debrecen Sportcentrum Ltd. András Becsky recalled that a few days ago the sports centre was full of kindergarten children, their parents and siblings, thanks to the sports selection programme called “The world is complete with you”, which was held for the 10th time. Now they are preparing to host a sports day for schoolchildren in Debrecen that is just as atmospheric and just as fantastic. The sports centre will be transformed into a huge outdoor playground, with around 25 giant-sized playing fields and various sports equipment. András Becsky also recalled that, in the context of the “Move Debrecen!” schools programme, they had been thinking about what could be the right call to action for children who do not play much or any sport, are not involved in sports clubs or have health problems. They realised that it was through play that they could reach these children. The Carnival of Movement will require a variety of stamina, balance and coordination skills using game elements, and these will be excellent skills for children to develop. András Becsky is confident that, thanks to the “Move Debrecen!” school programme, a new health survey will produce significantly better results among young people than those obtained after the coronavirus epidemic.

Soure: debrecen.hu