
Following almost three times the number of over-enrolments, the second year of the BMW Group Factory Debrecen Dual Vocational Training Programme has started with another hundred students, bringing the total number of students to 200. All of the 100 students who started their studies in the first year of training successfully completed the academic year and the highly practice-oriented programme of the BMW Group Plant Debrecen and the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre was very well received.

On the 9th of September, the first and second year students of the Dual Vocational Training Programme started their studies.

In the framework of the three-year training programme, full-time students can acquire knowledge that can lay the foundations for a whole career in the high-tech production environment of BMW Group Plant Debrecen, as well as in the Training Centre, which is equipped with the most modern educational infrastructure available, covering an area of almost 7000 m2.

After successfully completing their studies, they can look forward to a guaranteed full-time job offer at the BMW Group Plant in Debrecen.

“After a successful year last year, we welcome another hundred young employees,” President and CEO of the Debrecen-based company Hans-Peter Kemser said on the occasion of the start of the new academic year.

The BMW Group Dual Apprenticeship Programme, founded by the BMW plant in Debrecen and the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre (DSzC), will introduce students to the latest technologies in vehicle manufacturing and by the end of the programme they will be familiar with Industry 4.0, among others the world of robotics, 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality.

Practice-oriented training

The Dual Vocational Training Programme is unique in Hungary in its focus on the transfer of practical skills students learn on a weekly basis at the factory. The intensive training in the automotive mechatronics, mechanical and automotive automation workshops, electronics and IT laboratories, as well as in the metalworking workshop, covering an area of around 1,700 square metres, provides the perfect foundation for students’ career paths in the automotive industry. Moreover, the practical training is not limited to the workshops of the Training Centre as this year’s second-year students will be able to see real production work after the start of the trial production at the end of the year, while the training programme will mainly involve third-year students and graduates in the different plants.

A sound theoretical and cultural basis

Drawing heavily on the BMW Group’s 100 years of experience in training, the Dual Training Programme gives students all the theoretical knowledge they need to build a career. The training also focuses on developing soft skills and learning about the company culture. They will also learn communication and presentation techniques, project management skills and even how to rely on the company’s expertise in the areas of health and financial awareness.

The BMW Group attaches great importance to communicating with its employees worldwide, and thus with the students among them. The instructors of the Dual Training Programme accordingly strive to create an atmosphere in which active participation plays a key role in everyday life.

The spacious, open, transparent spaces of the laboratories and workshops in the Training Centre also encourage constant and honest communication and create an environment in which students develop  the natural ability to work in teams and to regularly give and receive feedback. The instructors of the course also try to promote the forging of the students into a team by organising more informal activities, including the freshman camp that is currently taking place. The mentoring program also serves this purpose as every first-year student is assisted by a second-year student, a so-called “buddy”.

Students participating in the Dual Vocational Training Program can choose between six professions, mechatronics technician, electronics technician, automotive mechatronics technician, IT system and application operating technician, industrial IT technician, and power electrical technician. The experiences gathered in the first academic year of the training program show that all six courses lead students into a truly exciting world, and it also became evident that many talents in all professional fields joined the team at the BMW plant in Debrecen.

The professional training in high-current electrical engineering is also recommended to the attention of future applicants, which promises extremely diverse career opportunities and complex professional knowledge.

Training is also an excellent career path for girls, which the company promotes in many ways. This year’s Girls’ Day at the company gave more than 170 primary and secondary school girls an insight into the world of mechatronics, automotive mechatronics, electronics and IT, where they could try out several tools used in the factory, build circuits and see how the factory’s robots work.

The dual training programme was jointly developed by the vocational training team of  BMW Group Plant Debrecen and the Debrecen Vocational Training Center and its institutions: Brassai Sámuel Technical School, Beregszászi Pál Technical School and Dormitory and Mechwart András Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology Technical School.
