
AGORA Science Centre is 10 Years Old

Can you play football on Kilimanjaro? Which animal holds the record for long distance running? How can an asteroid be deflected?

On the tenth anniversary of the AGORA, the focus is on the very best of science, from the world’s most colourful animals to the greatest feats of space exploration and the most extreme sporting achievements to the oldest mathematics.

During the birthday weekend, visitors will also see a demonstration of some of AGORA’s most popular experiments and meet dancing-singing robots.

AGORA’s special birthday programmes are open to all with a reduced ticket price of 1900 HUF/person for children and adults.

Detailed Programmes

Our favourite experiments

What is a vacuum pump good for? Can you burst a balloon into splinters? Can an ice cube sink in water? In a spectacular show for AGORA’s birthday, favourite experiments from the last 10 years have been collected: lighting a fire in the palm of our hand and finding out what a fire tornado is.

Robot Base

Ever seen a robot dance or sing? Have you played with a robot dog? Can you imagine a robot bowling, playing football or playing catch? In this base, visitors can meet and even control some of AGORA’s most clever and cute robots. The demonstration will show  visitors what today’s robots can do.

Extreme sports locations

Surfing on giant waves, sledging on an active volcano and playing football at the base camp of Mount Everest, at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres. This educational presentation will take attendees to some of the most exciting and dangerous sporting locations on Earth, from the brave climbers who have conquered the world’s most challenging rock faces to the divers who have explored the secrets of the world’s deepest underwater caves.

The most colourful animals in the world

How do marine worms and molluscs use their colours to find food? Which animal can adapt most quickly to changes in the colour of its environment and which mammal could boast the title of most colourful? Colour makes the world beautiful and plays an important role in the lives of animals. The educational presentation will show visitors how colours help animals to hide, survive or even mate.

Top animals in the animal kingdom

Which is the fastest land animal in the world in the short distance and does it hold the record for the long distance? Where does the world’s largest amphibian live and how big does it grow? Nature is full of masterpieces and wonders. All animals try to adapt as best they can to the world around them. But there are still some animals that stand out from the rest in some way. This educational presentation will give an introduction to them.

Ten feats of space exploration

We’ve been to space, landed on the moon and landed on a comet. We’ve orbited an asteroid and photographed the Earth from a distance like never before. In this astronomy lecture, the audience will be taken through the greatest feats of space exploration, from the creation of the most advanced space telescope to the final destination of space probes.

Great astronomical discoveries

Does the Sun orbit the Earth or vice versa? Are there really crystal spheres holding the planets? Can two comets be the same? Are there any planets beyond Neptune? This educational lecture presents ten grandiose discoveries by ten astronomers, from ancient times to the present day.

The oldest mathematics

How did the prehistoric man calculate? Did they even know numbers? What do we know about the arithmetic and geometry of ancient civilisations? In this lecture, we will trace the history of mathematics from the beginnings of human history, under the spell of numbers, from Hellas to Mesopotamia, from India to Egypt. 


Date: 8-9 February, 10. a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Location: AGORA Science Centre

Source:FB events