
The city of Debrecen cares about its architectural heritage, which is why the Built Heritage Renovation Programme was created, with the help of which two beautiful buildings will be renovated with the support of the Municipality. At the same time, as a consequence of the city’s economic development, more and more modern buildings are springing up one after the other.

How is Debrecen’s cityscape evolving, what is the strategy for the preservation and renewal of protected buildings, and how does architecture help preserve the city’s identity? István Gábor, chief architect, spoke about this in the Wednesday programme of Debrecen Television’s Evening Close-up. 

As part of the Built Heritage Renovation Programme, first the apartment building at 10-12 Szent Anna Street and then the Svetits tenement at 43 Piac Street will be renovated. The primary objective is to restore the buildings to their original condition.

The common feature of both buildings is that they have survived in almost their original, almost original condition. They preserve all traces of the building culture between the two world wars.

“The facade of the building on Szent Anna Street had to be renovated after World War II. Since then, the residents of the apartment building have transformed the building from the inside, mainly modernising it for its usability. The renovation of the facade of this building is a significant step not only for the residents, but also for the entire city community, “ he emphasised.

During the renovation, the craftsmen carrying out the construction must comply with strict rules and regulations. The Municipality will monitor the renovation to ensure that the professionals use high-quality materials and perform durable work.

During the Built Heritage Renovation Program, the Municipality supports the winning applicants with half of the renovation costs, but the owners must provide the other half for the work. István Gábor highlighted that it is a refreshing example, and all praise is due to those apartment owners who have joined forces to work together for the building in which they live.

Debrecen’s settlement protection decree lists 331 buildings and properties on the value protection list.

“We shouldn’t stop here, we should address several eras. We have previously had several discourses on this, so that we can treat even the architectural works of the middle and second half of the twentieth century as having value, not necessarily only aesthetic, but more of a utilitarian nature. “ the expert revealed.

The chief architect said that Debrecen has always been characterised by a constantly changing cityscape, which is why low peasant houses, multi-storey apartment buildings and more modern buildings can coexist side by side. He drew attention to the fact that there has very rarely been an era in the city when its landscape has not changed for 50 years.

The visual design for the renovation of the Aranybika Hotel (Gold Bull Hotel) was recently made public, which clearly shows that they intend to build a mirror image of the old building wing in place of the current wing built during socialism.

“The winning application came up with a concept that significantly highlights the role and traditions of this building in the life of the city. The Aranybika Hotel is a representative space for the local community and public life – he said.

Finally, the expert also mentioned the transformations affecting Dósa Pádór Square. He said that the pop music center planned there could be the “flagship” of the square.

Source and photo credit:dehir.hu