
4th Szaft ‘N Burger – The Most Delicious Burgers in the Heart of the Great Forest

Once again, the country’s burger is made in Debrecen with the 4th Szaft ‘N Burger opening its doors on Saturday (the 7th of September) in the Great Forest. 

The organisers will welcome visitors with spectacular demonstrations, exciting performances, live music and a steak-frying show on the shores of Lake Békás.The national competition will decide whose burger will be the “Burger of the Country”. 

Teams of friends, companies and families are also awaited with competitions in individual, amateur, freestyle (anything but beef) and junior categories. 

The event will also include professional burger and barbecue classes, live music, delicious home brews and, of course, burgers and barbecue delicacies.

The admission to the event is free to the public. Only payment by credit card or Festipay card is possible at the stalls. 


Date: 7 September
Location: the Great Forest

Source: dehir.hu, FB events