
Baroque music concert in the Debrecen University Reformed Church

The Budapest Festival Orchestra brings beautiful music to Debrecen as part of their Community Week program on October 6, from 6 p.m. The baroque ensemble of the orchestra gives a free concert in the Debrecen University Reformed Church.

Community building is particularly important to the Budapest Festival Orchestra. Over the past thirty years, the orchestra and its audience have grown into a large, music-loving family, which is constantly expanding and experiencing together the strength of the unity born over the years.

One of the goals of their  Community Week program is to grow this family, to forge and strengthen existing communities, and to create new ones with the power of music. There are many people in the country who are open to music, who are only separated by kilometres and lack of time from the experience provided by the Budapest Festival Orchestra. They also help them by taking their free concerts to local churches. In addition to playing with a big band, their artists are constantly looking for new challenges.

The following pieces will be played in the concert:

Heinrich Schütz: “O Jesu, nomen dulce”, SWV 308

Tarquinio Merula: Ciaccona a tre, Op. 12 No. 20

Claudio Monteverdi: Messa a quattro voci et salmi concertati – Confitebor tibi Domine II


Johann Sebastian Bach: Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen, BWV 123

The performing singers  Adriánna Kalafszky, Zoltán Gavodi, Péter Mészáros, Péter Cser are led by Eszter Lesták Bedő.

Date: 6 October, 6 p.m

Location: Debrecen University Reformed Church, 2 Egyetem Square

Source: Dehir