
Béla Bartók International Choral Competition

Once again, the city will host one of the world’s most prestigious musical events, the Béla Bartók International Choir Competition, organised by Jeunesses Musicales Hungary and Kodály Philharmonia Debrecen.

The competition is not only a competition, but also a celebration of musical excellence, with the world’s best choirs performing gems of contemporary a cappella art! This year, alongside Italian, Greek and Catalan choirs, choirs from Angola, Japan and the Philippines will each represent their country. The national choirs include the Ad Libitum Choir and the Kodály  Zoltán Youth Choir. And the winning ensemble will not only win the Grand Prix, but will also be able to delegate to one of Europe’s most prestigious choral competitions, the “European Grand Prix of Choral Music”.

All the rounds will be open to the public in the town’s public venues, and there will be accompanying events throughout the town, including folklore evenings, church performances and community sing-alongs.

The opening ceremony and the competitions of each category can be visited free of charge, however, the other events can be accessed by purchasing a HUF 500 registration ticket online and at kodalyfilharmonia.jegy.hu, as well as in person at the Klassz Pont ticket office, the Kölcsey Center ticket office, and the Tourinform Office.


1 August 6:00 p.m. Parade from Baltazar Dezső Square to the Great Church

For more information,please click here.

1 August 7:00 p.m. Opening ceremony

Location: the Reformed Church of Debrecen

For more information please click here.

2 August 2:00 p.m. Free Category B

Location: Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom

More information is available here..

2 August 3:15 p.m. Free Category A

Location: Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom

For more information, please click here.

2 August 7:00 p.m. “Vivat, Crescat, Floreat!” – Gala Concert of  Bartók Béla Intergenerational Choir Competition

Venue: Kölcsey Centre, Great Hall

Building on the tradition of previous years, the programme will feature composers and works closely linked to the competition, as well as premieres composed especially for the occasion. 


Bella Máté: Vivat, crescat, floreat!

Árpád Barabás: Dinos and Men – premiere

Zoltán Kodály: Pentecost Slayer

Bence Kutrik: Puer natus

Dániel Dobos: Callis stellarum – premiere

Bárdos Lajos: Cantemus!

– break –

Péter Tóth: Wedding – premiere

Performers: Lautitia Children’s Choir (choir director: József Nemes), Kodály Choir (choir director: Zoltán Kocsis-Holper), Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: József Nemes, Zoltán Kocsis-Holper and Zsolt Hamar

Ticket price: 500 HUF registration ticket available by clicking on this link.

More information is available here.

3 August, 10:00 a.m. Children and Youth category

Location: Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom

For more information, please click here .

3 August, 2:00 p.m. Religious music category

Venue: St. Anne’s Cathedral

For more information, please click here.

4 August 3:00 p.m. Grand Prix Concert and Results Announcement

Venue: Kölcsey Centre, Great Hall

Ticket price: 500 HUF registration ticket available by by clickinm here

For more information please click here.


Date: 1-4 August

Location:  Debrecen public venues

Source: kodalyfilharmonia.hu