
Between Family and School : Who is responsible for raising the next generation?

MCC Debrecen Educational Center holds a lecture in English about the role of the family and the school on the 24th of March.


Teachers and parents share many goals. Both seek to educate, nurture and discipline children. However, this similarity hides crucial differences. Families operate in the private sphere of the home and are motivated by love for one another whereas teachers work in the public realm of the school and aim to ensure children master academic skills and gain subject knowledge. When we lose sight of these differences, tensions can arise. 

Joanna Williams explores the changing roles of teachers and parents in raising children. She argues that confusion over responsibilities undermines adult authority in general, to the detriment of children, education and family life; and suggests a path towards resolution.

Information about the event:


Everyone interested in this topic is welcomed!


Date:24 March, 2025, 5.00 p.m.
Location: MCC Debrecen Educational Center, 11-15 Piac Street (Aranybika Hotel)

Source:MCC Debrecen