
“Civic” style is shown Déri Museum

On the 8th of December, starting at 10 a.m. Déri Museum awaits visitors with colourful programs. Professional lectures, unusual fashion shows, workshops and handicrafts will show how folk craftspeople, designers and creators from Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar county, preserve and renew the knowledge of their predecessors and how they adapt it to today’s needs, aligning with the ancient treasure of forms and patterns, and how they create a new, unique “Civic” style that cannot be compared to anything else.


From 10 a.m.: Professional lectures

  • Traditional decorations and tailoring methods appeared on modern garments. Speaker: folk craftswoman, Erzsébet Tajti 
  • Forms of making traditional costumes today live by Lecturer: ethnographic researcher, retired director Ibolya V. Szathmári
  • The source of the design is peasant clothes and clothing items in the ethnographic collection of the Déri Museum. Lecturer: chief museologist of Déri Museum, Márta Magyari
  • Technical problems of raw material use. Speaker: restorer, Csilla Tóth-Ilona

From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.: Craft fair, workshop, interactive session

From 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.: workshop and craft activity

In the Ballroom of Déri Museum

3 p.m.: Civic fashion – Fashion history tour in the “World of Cívis People” local history exhibition, insight into the museum’s warehouse treasures with museologist Viktória Ormosi

Try it on and take a photo! – selected from our 19th-century clothing reconstructions

5 p.m.: Cívis style – we can see a taste of the award-winning clothing collections of the 2023 FolkTrend fashion show with the contribution of students of DSZC Creative Technical school 

7 p.m.: Tales for adults – interpreted by storyteller László Simándi

Entry to the event is free. 

More information about the vent can be found at the following link: Déri Múzeum Programok (derimuzeum.hu)

Date: 8th of December,10 a.m.

Location: Déri Museum

Source:Debrecenben bemutatják milyen az igazi cívis módi – Debrecen hírei, debreceni hírek | Debrecen és Hajdú-Bihar megye hírei – Dehir.hu