
Cultural Heritage Days

This year, the Cultural Heritage Days will take place on the weekend of 21-22 September, organised for the first time by the Ministry of Construction and Transport in cooperation with the ICOMOS Hungarian National Committee. In Debrecen, too, there will be programmes at several venues.

There will be many places where monuments, historic buildings, ensembles, cemeteries, gardens can be visited free of charge and activities that are often not otherwise accessible can be tried. The event highlights the need to protect, respect and approach with expertise the irreplaceable built heritage and monuments that are part of national culture.

Popular throughout Europe, the importance of the Heritage Days is growing every year, both in terms of the number of free sites and the number of visitors. Since its inception, Hungary has sought to raise awareness of its rich architectural heritage by highlighting different key themes.

The aim is to make it possible for everyone, regardless of interests, to experience the richness of our Hungarian architectural heritage and monuments. 

The Heritage Days, popular throughout Europe, are growing in importance every year, both in terms of the number of free sites and the number of visitors.

Across Europe the theme of this year’s event is ‘roads-connections-networks’, so this year there will be a larger than usual number of buildings and programmes related to transport and pilgrim routes.

You can find the programmes for Debrecen on this link. 

The event’s website with content is constantly being added to and updated.

Date: 21-22 September
Location: various location in Debrecen
