
eTheatre Festival with Fourteen Performances

Fourteen performances are shown between the 20th and 29th of September at the eTheatre Festival, and the discounted season ticket sales has started. The only online theatre event in the country, the performances can be seen with individual tickets and season tickets.

Hungarian theatres from Hungary and abroad, as well as independent companies were invited to submit their performances to the festival during which performances by theatres and companies such as the Örkény Theatre, the Csiky Gergely Theatre in Timisoara, the Vígszínház, the Katona József Theatre, the Szeged National Theatre, the Madách Theatre, the Radnóti Miklós Theatre, Exit Generation and the KultBazaar Association will be available to the public without any restrictions.

The festival will feature live and free-to-view online professional discussions. The opening round table will be attended by Adél Kováts, Pál Mácsai, Dávid Zsoldos, and Gergely Légrádi, while at the second round table the Katona József Theatre’s performance called ‘Találkozás’ can be seen only online. 

The best performances will be judged by a professional jury consisting of thespian Eliza Sodró, dramaturg Tamara Török, director Tamás Puskás, poet-playwright Péter Závada and the director of eTheatre Gergely Légrádi. The performances may also win special prizes and audience awards.

The eTheatre Festival will donate the income of the event to the theatre and companies, supporting their work and operations.

The festival aims to overcome geographical barriers to showcase the valuable work of theatres and to demonstrate how productions adapted for online screening create new visions, providing a unique experience for audiences from across borders and beyond.

Date: 20-29 September
Source: dehir.hu