
Exhibition of Baptist Artists in the Community Center

Baptist artists are exhibiting at the Freedom Community Hall for the third time. 

The theme of this exhibition is very broad: there will be works with a biblical theme, Icelandic landscapes, Hungarian social photos, and painted verses can be seen as well.


Krisztián Bazsa, Péter Dobos, Zoltán Dorogi and Barnabás Kovács – photos

Lászlóné Dobos, József Kolozs Lovag  and Lídia Péter-Szarka – paintings

Mirjam Lőwei-Pótor – painted verses

The exhibition is part of the National Baptist Art Days and can be viewed until the middle of January on Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Fridays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Date: Opening on 24th November

Location: 50 Gázvezeték Street

Source:Baptista alkotók tárlatát láthatjuk a debreceni közösségi házban – Debrecen hírei, debreceni hírek | Debrecen és Hajdú-Bihar megye hírei – Dehir.hu