
Expressions of Colour Exhibition at Vojtina Puppet Theatre

The puppet theatre’s 2023-24 season exhibitions are fine art experiments with materials, colours and surfaces, with everything that can come to life on the puppet stage. The primary goal of the exhibitions is to draw children’s attention to the immeasurable freedom of the puppet universe in an empirical way.

The second episode of this year’s exhibition series, Expressions of Colours, opened its doors on the 1st of December in the exhibition space of the Vojtina Puppet Theater at Kálvin Square and can be visited until the 28th of January, 2024.

In her opening speech, curator Terka Láposi, the artistic director of the Vojtina Puppet Theater’s Play Theater, said that they were trying to show the possibilities of expressing colours with the tools of puppetry because the tools of puppetry have opened up to endless limits in the last 25-30 years.

Citing the works of social psychologist György Csepeli, she added the expressive power of colours had determined people’s lives for centuries and thousands of years.

Together, these two can be fulfilled in the world of children, who, due to their age, now marvel at the world’s beauty because beauty is the most special of all the values of life.

The manifestation of colours also highlights that colour is one of the main carriers of expression.

Colours represent a force that is inseparable from shapes and space. They have their own dimensions and radiating powers. Lightning and thunder frighten us; the colours of the rainbow and the northern lights calm us down and lift our spirits.

What colour is splendour, power, anger, rage, indifference, calmness and joy? The exhibition also seeks answers to these questions.

Date: until the 28th of January, 2024

Location: Vojtina Puppet Theatre, 13 Kálvin Square

Source: dehir.hu