
”I told you, man”(„Mondottam, ember”) – Exhibition of thirty Debrecen artists.

The Debrecen Fine Arts Guild is organizing an exhibition again on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Imre Madách.

Imre Madách  (20 January 1823 – 5 October 1864) was a Hungarian aristocrat, writer, poet, lawyer and politician. His major work is The Tragedy of Man (Az ember tragédiája, 1861). It is a dramatic poem approximately 4000 lines long, which elaborates on ideas comparable to Goethe‘s Faust and Milton‘s Paradise Lost.

Today it is the central piece of Hungarian theaters’ repertoire and is mandatory reading for students in secondary school. Many lines have become common quotes in Hungary.

The main characters are Adam, Eve and Lucifer. The three travel through time to visit different turning-points in human history and Lucifer tries to convince Adam that life is (will be) meaningless and mankind is doomed.

 Exhibiting artists:

Csaba Szabó Aby, Eszter Biró, Teodóra Both, Attila Börcsök, Gabriella B Nagy, István B Orosz, Melitta Csorján, Sándor D Király, Zsigmond Géza Dombi, Zsolt Durucskó, Éles Bulcsú, Sándor Gárdonyi, Enikő Gyöngy, Tibor Hegedűs, Ibolya Horváth, János Komiszár, Eszter Láng, Gábor Lukács, Mihály Magyar, András Máthé, Éva Nuridsány, Erzsébet Palotai, Katalin Pelei, Imre Rácz, István Subicz, Zsuzsa Szász, István Tamus, József Toró, Zsuzsa Tóth, Tamás Varga.

Date: from 15 September

Source: Dehir.hu