
Motherhood or Career? Why not both?

MCC Debrecen Educational Center holds a lecture in English on motherhood and career on the 12th of March.

The lecture will address the following questions:

  • Does a woman really have to choose between motherhood and a career? 
  • Why is motherhood today seen as an obstacle, when for many women it is their greatest source of strength? 
  • The presentation will show how family and fulfilment can be mutually reinforcing for the modern woman. Is it society’s expectations or our inner fears that are holding us back?


Information about the event:

  • The lecturers at the event will be
    • MCC Fellow, Evelyn Whitehead,
    • President of the Three Kings, Three Queens Foundation, documentary filmmaker Fruzsina Skrabski,
    • and Research Director of the MCC Institute for Youth Studies, Georgina Kiss-Kozma.
  • The presentation will be in English.
  • The event is free to attend but registration is required. If interested, please register at the following link: https://mcc.hu/esemenyregisztracio/anyasag-vagy-karrier-miert-ne-lehetne-mindketto
  • Registrations can be submitted until 12:00 p.m., 12th March, 2025.

Everyone interested in this topic is welcome to attend!


Date: 12 March, 2025, 5.00 p.m.
Location: MCC Debrecen Educational Center, 11-15 Piac Street (Aranybika Hotel)

Source:MCC Debrecen