
The King’s Singers Ensemble Brings Cartoon Musical Classics to Főnix Arena

The popular production, selecting  from the best-known and most popular animated soundtracks to the delight of music and cinema fans, will be presented in Budapest on the 16th of January 16, in Debrecen on the 17th of January at  Főnix Arena and in Szeged on the 18th of January.

The King’s Singers delved deeply into classic soundtracks, reinterpreting the songs, dressing them in a brand new guise.

It is the largest-scale The King’s Singers project to date, which includes brand new adaptations of the popular cartoon classics of the past century. The world-renowned ensemble celebrates 100 years of iconic storytelling with a special symphonic orchestra arena tour to bring back the most beautiful memories of childhood through music for all ages, including the popular story in which a princess falls into a deep sleep, from which only true love’s kiss can wake her up.

The boy band prepares for these concerts with a large-scale arena show and corresponding visual elements. A classical music production based on classical values will be staged, where the music will shine in a million colours.

In addition to the six-member a cappella star group, the Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra Debrecen will provide a high-quality musical experience. The band presents a full-fledged symphonic repertoire, where some instruments even get a solo role. There will be times where the symphonic orchestra plays independently, there will be times when it accompanies the British  choir, and there will also be full a cappella pieces.

The King’s Singers  look back on half a century of history, they have thousands of concerts relating to their name, and thanks to their inimitable sound culture, their performances are always accompanied by full houses and resounding success. The ensemble was founded on the 1st of May, 1968, when choral students who graduated from King’s College, Cambridge, gave a concert at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, in the centre of London’s South Bank.The group has sung in various line-ups over the years, but this London debut launched a five-decade career. The traditional choir repertoire was in the blood of the founders, but what made them stand out from the rest was their musical versatility. They appeared weekly on prime-time TV, performing popular music never sung by choirs. Combining their English appeal with their precise musical skills, they have won the hearts of audiences worldwide. The ensemble regularly performed concerts from London’s Royal Albert Hall to the Sydney Opera House, from Carnegie Hall to the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. They already visited Hungary ast year, and this year, if possible, even more anticipation will precede their arrival due to the special program.

Further information about tickets can be found at the site of the organiser at the site of : Filharmónia Magyarország.