
The Theater Company of World-famous Actor Tim Robbins Performs at the Csokonai Theatre

The Oscar- and Grammy-winning actor Tim Robbins visits the Csokonai National Theatre with his theater company, Actors’ Gang, performing their play called ‘Topsy Turvy’.

Tim Robbins is known for giving memorable performances in numerous films, including The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and The Mystic River (2003), for which he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and the Golden Globe Award.

Tim Robbins founded the Actors’ Gang in Los Angeles forty-three years ago, in 1981. The theater company has 24 members, and a total of 19 will be on stage. The 19 members include Tim Robbins’ sister, who also has a role in the production. 

Director of the Csokonai National Theatre, Szabolcs Mátyássy beleives that the Csokonai National Theatre has a priority task to strengthen the international role of Debrecen and to broaden its offer. This time, an English-language performance will be subtitled in Hungarian, which has been previously the other way around. 

Tim Robbins wrote the play during the pandemic with a story of a choir whose members cannot meet because of restrictions imposed to contain the pandemic. The choir is disbanded, meanwhile some want to continue rehearsing in person (in secret), others wanting to remain rule-followers. In addition to the “real” thread of the play, there is also a metaphorical one, with the appearance of Greek gods.

The language of the play is humorous but has a deep message. The play lasts 1 hour 45 minutes without intermission and is subtitled in Hungarian. Although Tim Robbins himself does not appear in the play, there will be an opportunity for a post-performance discussion on stage, during which the audience can ask him questions.

The show will be presented only in Debrecen, on the 18th and 19th of  September at the Csokonai Teátrum. Tickets for Topsy Turvy are now available online and at the Csokonai National Theatre Debrecen box office.


Date: 18-19 September
Location: Csokonai Theatre

Source: dehir.hu