
Virtual tour – TRIANON 100, in the Déri Museum

The first exhibition of this kind in the Déri Museum commemorates in a special way the 100th anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty.

The curiosity of the exhibition is that it only exists in the virtual space; the creation and furnishing of the exhibition space was done with a program by the staff of the museum: Balázs Korompai, Attila Ősz, and Katalin Váradi. Besides roaming freely, the program offers the possibility of guided tours as well. The focus is mainly on the Debrecen aspects of Trianon but, of course, with a national outlook. There are three distinct units in the exhibition, the first of which is about the economic and social cultural losses. The next part provides an insight into the fate of Debrecen between the two World Wars, while the last section presents the history of the Statue of Hungarian Grief from its erection up to the present day. Maps, archive photos, and detailed information help visitors to delve deeper into the topic. Moreover, the exhibition is further coloured with poems and interactive elements.

The virtual tour available on artspaces.kunstmatrix.com

The source and photo creadit l Déri Museum