
Wagner Pictures – Concert of Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra

Programme of the concert:

Wagner: The Singers of Nuremberg – Overture / Tannhäuser – Overture / Parsifal – Good Friday Magic / Tristan and Isolde – Prelude and Isolde’s Love Death / Twilight of the Gods (excerpts)

The theatre performance of Richard Wagner’s operas and music dramas usually requires extraordinary artistic strength and large numbers of people, which is why the practice of concert-like performances has developed worldwide, during which not infrequently one act or – as in this case – a series of orchestral details gives an idea of the brilliant German innovator’s art.

Contributors: Mária Farkasréti,vocals,  Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Imre Kollár

Ticket price: HUF 3500, HUF 2700

Date: 31st October, 7 p.m.

Location:Kölcsey Center, Great Hall

Source: kodalyfilharmonia.hu