
Wardrobe Sale at the University of Debrecen

The event, organised by the Debrecen Reformed University Congregation and DETEP (University of Debrecen Talent Development Program), will take place on  the 14th of May  at the University of Debrecen.

At the sale, clothes can be sold and donations can also be given. The prices of the clothes should not exceed 1000 HUF/item. 

Sellers are university employees and students who can submit their registration request for a table until the 10th of May at this link.

Those are also welcome who just would like to buy clothes, as the goal is for the clothes to find new owners.  Customers do not need to register.


Date: 14 May, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 

Location: University of Debrecen, Main Hall
Source: Facebook events