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New Public Collection Exhibition of MODEM titled “What year are you?” opened

MODEM art center 1-3 Hunyadi János Street, Debrecen

The new public collection exhibition, with around 50 different artists presented from the founders to Generation Z marking a new chapter for MODEM, can be visited until the 31st of December 2024. The curators of the exhibition have chosen artists who have shaped MODEM's image over the years, showcasing works from a collection that has evolved over 18 years, incorporating collections, acquisitions, Debrecen International Artists' Colony results, and artist donations. Drawing on the insights of generational theory, each section is arranged according to the artists' year of birth, rather than according to the aesthetic, art theoretical or art historical categories they represent or can be associated with their work.  Exhibiting artists: Lost Generation: Vilmos Aba-Novák Founders (Builders):Judit Reigl, Vera Molnár Veterans: Ákos Birkás, Ilona Keserü, László Lakner, István Nádler, Endre Tót, Zoltán Tölg-Molnár, Baby Boomers: Imre Bukta, Lajos Csontó, Ágnes Eperjesi, László Fehér, László feLugossy, Imre Gábor, Pál Gerber, Balázs Kicsiny, Ilona Lovas, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Gyula Várnai Generation X: Zsolt Asztalos, Emese Benczúr, Attila Csörgő, Marcell Esterházy, Tibor Gyenis, Kriszta x-T Nagy,  Péter Pettendi Szabó, Sára Richter, Katharina Roters, Société Réaliste, József Szolnoki. Generation Y: Nikolett Balázs, Kincső Bede, Máté Dobokay, Tim Freiwald, Judit Ágnes Gallai, Judit Lilla Molnár, Márton […]

Interactive exhibitions in Hortobágy National Park

Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Hortobágy, Petőfi tér 9, Debrecen

In addition to thousands of years of ancient knowledge, the visitor centre also features 21st century interactive elements. Puszta Treasury. This is the name of the exhibition that shows the everyday life of our ancestors, their clothing and the products they made here. In addition to thousands of years of ancient knowledge, the visitor centre also features 21st century interactive elements. The tourism development programme in Hortobágy, which was completed at the end of March, aimed to bring the wilderness closer to all ages. With the new permanent exhibitions and the unified information system, everyone can discover the rich fauna and flora of the region, as well as the pastoral culture of Hortobágy, according to their own needs. “The exhibitions are structured in such a way that even those who visit here for the first time can find the topic and activity they like. Also those who already know the depths of the wilderness, the birds and plants that live here, or even have friendly relations with the shepherds,"  Director of Hortobágy National Park Gergely Árpád Medgyesi said. Date:Closed on Mondays, but open on weekends on all long weekends and public holidays (except 1 November 2024 and 23 December 2024 […]

Beer By Lake

Békás tó Nagyerdei park 1, Debrecen

During the Debrecen Flower Festival in August, more than a hundred local and international beers, ales and craft beers will be served in the shade of the trees of the Great Forest, in front of the Great Forest Open Air Stage. For more information, visit the website here. The event has a 10-year tradition. Visitors can enjoy the most varied Hungarian craft beers, in addition to which beer fans will also find refreshments from prestigious foreign breweries. During the event, various gastronomic and cultural programs await the visitors, in addition to which the public can choose from a range of food trucks offering culinary experiences, food and beer skates.  


Full-dome Films in English in Agora

Agora Science Center Great Forest, Botanic Garden Entrance from Móricz Zsigmond Road!, Debrecen

Full-dome films are offered in English to the visitors of the Science Centre. Agora Science Centre has one of the largest portable digital planetariums in Hungary that enables visitors to surf in the starry sky, discover the motion of celestial bodies, and familiarise themselves with constellations. It guarantees a lifelong experience for both children and adults. Full-dome films available in English are the following: Europe to the Stars - from 4.00  p.m. every Thursday and Saturday. The Sun, Our Living Star - from 4.00 p.m. every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Participation is possible with the Agora entry ticket. The planetarium has a capacity of 40 people. Thus, visitors can participate in these programs with a limited number, in order of arrival. Further information about the films can be found here. Location: Great Forest, Botanic Garden, Entrance from Móricz Zsigmond Road,Great Forest, Botanic Garden Source: Agora

Painter and Art Historian Mihály Ludmann’s Exhibition Opened

DAB Székház Thomas Mann u. 49., Debrecen

Mihály Ludmann is a versatile individual, also known as a painter, art historian and secondary school teacher who has published several very important books (architecture, sculpture, the art of war are all at the forefront of his interests) and his list of publications is impressive, long and substantial. He exhibits in Debrecen as a creative artist with his exhibition of oil paintings called the “Peacekeeper of Colors” at the DAB Club. He will be presenting oil paintings,  from which the smallest ones depicting  winter landscapes are of around 50x50 cm, the largest ones around 80x120 cm, with his very exciting  range of colors and shapes offering visitors a spectacular journey. The exhibition is on display until the 30th of September, Monday to Thursday from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., and until 2.00 p.m. on Fridays.   Date: until 30 September Location: DAB Club (DAB Székház), 49 Thomas Mann Street    Source: dehir.hu

Exhibition Titled “Studio in the Open Air” Opens at Partium House

Partium House Piac Street 81, Debrecen

The Partium House in Debrecen, part of the Hungarian Houses network, opened its doors in our city at the end of 2020. After a short summer break, they are open again to welcome visitors and prepare for the autumn events.  The first of these programmes, opening on the 10th of September, will be an exhibition of works by painters from Debrecen and Oradea.  One of the highlights of this year's Festum Varadinum (one of the largest cultural events of the Hungarian community in Oradea) was the "Studio in the Open Air" programme on the 18th of May during which nearly twenty artists created on the banks of the Sebes River in Oradea. The works created there are now coming to Debrecen.  A few weeks later, on the 18th of September, the poet from Arad, Zoltán Böszörményi will present an author's evening at the Partium House, and on the 5th of October, a local history excursion will be organised to Nagyszalonta and Arad.    Date: from 10 September  Location: Partium House, 81 Piac Street   Source: dehir.hu

Térey Book Festival 

Last year, a special literary memorial opened its doors in Debrecen on the 53rd anniversary of the birth of János Térey, who died in 2019. In the poet's residential museum visitors can view the writer's legacy and explore his career. The museum is open to the public again after a break, and will soon play a major role in the Térey Book Festival, which will focus on the translator János Térey, and his translations. With the support of the city of Debrecen, the  Méliusz Juhász Péter Library is organising the Térey Book Festival for the fifth time, entering into a dialogue with the work of the writer, poet and translator born in the city. The focus of the 2024 Book Festival will be on the translator Térey and Térey's works translated into foreign languages Térey Book Festival programmes: 10th of September (Tuesday): 4:00 p. m.  - Wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial plaque of  poet and newspaper editor Ádám Niklai, who was born 100 years ago this year. Speech by Deputy Mayor for Culture István Puskás, and son of Ádám Niklai, Gábor Zech.  The poems of Ádám Niklai will be performed by the Jászai Mari Prize-winning actress Kinga Újhelyi  Location:  5 […]