
The Theater Company of World-famous Actor Tim Robbins Performs at the Csokonai Theatre

Csokonai Theater Kossuth u. 10, Debrecen, Hungary

The Oscar- and Grammy-winning actor Tim Robbins visits the Csokonai National Theatre with his theater company, Actors' Gang, performing their play called ‘Topsy Turvy’. Tim Robbins is known for giving memorable performances in numerous films, including The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and The Mystic River (2003), for which he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and the Golden Globe Award. Tim Robbins founded the Actors' Gang in Los Angeles forty-three years ago, in 1981. The theater company has 24 members, and a total of 19 will be on stage. The 19 members include Tim Robbins' sister, who also has a role in the production.  Director of the Csokonai National Theatre, Szabolcs Mátyássy beleives that the Csokonai National Theatre has a priority task to strengthen the international role of Debrecen and to broaden its offer. This time, an English-language performance will be subtitled in Hungarian, which has been previously the other way around.  Tim Robbins wrote the play during the pandemic with a story of a choir whose members cannot meet because of restrictions imposed to contain the pandemic. The choir is disbanded, meanwhile some want to continue rehearsing in person (in secret), others wanting to remain rule-followers. In addition […]

Architect Tibor Mikolás’ 100th Birthday Anniversary Programmes

On the 19th of  September, an exhibition of Tibor Mikolás' oeuvre opened at the New City Hall Gallery. From the last day of the month, from the 30th, the Faculty of Music will host a jubilee exhibition of photographs and models entitled “Mikolás 100”. The emblematic figure of the design engineer training, the best connoisseur of modern architecture, once brought not only architectural culture but also a strong architectural position to Debrecen. On his study trips he travelled the world, but his work was mostly in Debrecen, where he is associated with such landmark buildings as the Centrum Department Store, the Liszt Ferenc College of Music and the Kölcsey Cultural Centre, which has now been demolished. Tibor Mikolás, an architect and teacher of great stature and exceptional talent, died in 2014 and would celebrate his 100th birthday on the 28th of September this year. Buildings such as the former Centrum Department Store and the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music are associated with his name. He is commemorated with exhibitions, book launches, concerts and building tours. He left a rich legacy with his "composed modernist" buildings, numerous drawings, photographs, models, personal documents and videos, the processing of which, as well as […]

eTheatre Festival with Fourteen Performances

Fourteen performances are shown between the 20th and 29th of September at the eTheatre Festival, and the discounted season ticket sales has started. The only online theatre event in the country, the performances can be seen with individual tickets and season tickets. Hungarian theatres from Hungary and abroad, as well as independent companies were invited to submit their performances to the festival during which performances by theatres and companies such as the Örkény Theatre, the Csiky Gergely Theatre in Timisoara, the Vígszínház, the Katona József Theatre, the Szeged National Theatre, the Madách Theatre, the Radnóti Miklós Theatre, Exit Generation and the KultBazaar Association will be available to the public without any restrictions. The festival will feature live and free-to-view online professional discussions. The opening round table will be attended by Adél Kováts, Pál Mácsai, Dávid Zsoldos, and Gergely Légrádi, while at the second round table the Katona József Theatre’s performance called 'Találkozás' can be seen only online.  The best performances will be judged by a professional jury consisting of thespian Eliza Sodró, dramaturg Tamara Török, director Tamás Puskás, poet-playwright Péter Závada and the director of eTheatre Gergely Légrádi. The performances may also win special prizes and audience awards. The eTheatre […]

1st International Sports Day

Many programs can be associated with the name of the Creative Community of Debrecen. The Children's Flea Market, the Halloween Street Party, the International Street Festival, the Flower Fest and much more. All of them take place on Batthyány Street. Now, however, the team is preparing something really new. For the first time, the 1st International Sports Day  will be organised in three different locations in the city with the aim of giving people in Debrecen the opportunity to play sport in an international community and to make them love it from an early age. At the free event, the age group of 8-20 years can play basketball  in teams of 5 and football in teams of 5+1. Registrations of  teams can be submitted to info@deutsches-kulturforum.hu. Date: 20 September 4.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. Locations: Csapókert (Liget Square), Újkert (Mikszáth Kálmán Street), dowtown Debrecen (Arany János Square) Source:debrecen.imami.hu, FB events  

JAZZ For You!

Kölcsey Center Bethlen u., 4026, Debrecen, Hungary

The audience is welcome to an unadulterated, smoky, end-of-summer jazz concert, before the meteorological autumn really sets in. Due to the great success and interest, the Steve Jazz Trio and the Kodály Choir will perform together again. With their concert "JAZZ for you!", bidding farewell to the harsh winter in the carnival season and this September to the scorching summer with passionate jazz music and choral music.   Contributors: Steve Jazz Trio (István Bundzik - piano, Gyula Horváth - bass guitar, Gábor Kacsenyák - drums) / Kodály Choir Conductor: Zoltán Kocsis-Holper Tickets can be purchase at kodalyfilharmonia.jegy.hu   Date: 20 September, 7.00 p.m. Location:Kölcsey Centre, Ballroom Source:kodalyfilharmonia.hu

Cultural Heritage Days

This year, the Cultural Heritage Days will take place on the weekend of 21-22 September, organised for the first time by the Ministry of Construction and Transport in cooperation with the ICOMOS Hungarian National Committee. In Debrecen, too, there will be programmes at several venues. There will be many places where monuments, historic buildings, ensembles, cemeteries, gardens can be visited free of charge and activities that are often not otherwise accessible can be tried. The event highlights the need to protect, respect and approach with expertise the irreplaceable built heritage and monuments that are part of national culture. Popular throughout Europe, the importance of the Heritage Days is growing every year, both in terms of the number of free sites and the number of visitors. Since its inception, Hungary has sought to raise awareness of its rich architectural heritage by highlighting different key themes. The aim is to make it possible for everyone, regardless of interests, to experience the richness of our Hungarian architectural heritage and monuments.  The Heritage Days, popular throughout Europe, are growing in importance every year, both in terms of the number of free sites and the number of visitors. Across Europe the theme of this year's […]

“Only” Design Fair (Csak Design Vásár)

Méliusz Library Bem tér 19/D, Debrecen, Hungary

After a short summer break, “Only” Design Fair (Csak Design Vásár) welcomes visitors  to the Central Library of the Méliusz Juhász Péter Library, both inside and outside, on the 21st of September from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., with the great atmosphere and quality designer products. Csak Design Vásár is a fair for design lovers. Unique, modern products and quality products from designers can be purchased in one place, with Hungarian brands also being found at the fair. Exhibitors: BlackBunny Kézműves Csokoládé & Artisan Chocolates Bőrület Faludi G Cziczás Szabina Ötvös Ékszer itsevas Maminvent MSE Glass What Nituska Design TinaTáska   Date: 21 September Location: Méliusz Juhász Péter Library Source:FB events      

NEW DATE – 5th Batthyányi Fair and Children’s Flee Market

Batthyány Street Batthyány utcán, Debrecen, Hungary

The Debrecen Creative Community will once again bring a unique program to Batthyányi Street on the 21st of September between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 p.m, with the V. Batthyány fair and children's flea market. This day, Debrecen's first pedestrian street will host the fair of the shops in the street, and a children's flea market. In order to sell goods at the flea market, filling out the application form is mandatory. Children can register/ can be registered at the following link: https://t.ly/IVkPb The event is free to attend. Photographs will be taken during the program, to which all interested parties consent by participating in the program. In case of rain, the event will be held on the 15th of September. Date: 21 September, 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Location: Batthyányi Stret Source: FB events

Zsuzsi Forest Railway’s Car Free Day for a Green Debrecen

Zsuzsi Erdei Vasút Ruyter utca 1, Debrecen, Hungary

The European Mobility Week will take place across Europe from the 16th to the 22nd of September 2024, with Car Free Day as the closing event. On the 21st of September with the Zsuzsi Forest Railway visitors can take part in a special autumn tour where the forest's magical light show, fragrant plants and rich treasures will take the centre stage, and discover the hidden harvests of the autumn forest enjoying the refreshing atmosphere. Program details: 09:30 a.m.  - Departure with the Zsuzsi Forest Train from Ruyter Street station 10:30  a.m. - Arrival and tuning up, gathering at the edge of the forest, programme presentation 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: hiking in the September forest experiencing the play of lights and sounds of the forest through an exploratory walk to discover the fragrant plants of the forest and their medicinal properties, aromatherapy exercises, learning about the power and effects of scents, breathing in the essential oils of the air, getting to know the treasures of nature: exploring the abundance of forest fruits, berries, mushrooms and herbs, silent meditation and relaxing, short guided meditation to help experience the deeper energies of the forest. 12:00 p.m. - Herbal tea tasting where herbs collected […]

New Exhibition Opened in the Great Church

Great Reformed Church Piac u. 4-6, Debrecen, Hungary

The exhibition of József Csoma titled “Footprints of My Footsteps” opened on the 22nd of September in the Kálvin Gallery of the Great Church.  József Csoma started his artistic career from afar. In 1976 he graduated as a toolmaker at the 109th Vocational Training Institute in Debrecen. He started to work as an apprentice and then as a technical designer in Téglás. Later, he graduated in pedagogy and fine arts, then in drawing at Eger Teacher Training College. He graduated from the University of Debrecen in 2007 with a diploma in pedagogy-teacher training, and in 2010 from the Technical University of Budapest with a diploma in public education management. He was guided into an artistic career by painter Zoltán Valkovits. The most important influence on his artistic conception was the Medgyessy-circle in Debrecen and its leader Lajos Bíró. His first solo exhibition was in Rakamaz in 1990. Since then, his still lifes, landscapes and portraits have been shown in more than 30 solo exhibitions in Hungary and Poland.   Date: from 22 September Location: Kálvin Gallery of the Great Church.  Source:dehir.hu

Concert Series Starts Again at the Faculty of Music

University of Debrecen, Faculty of Music, Hall Debrecen, Hungary

The Faculty of Music's concert series continues with more than twenty concerts. The Conservatoire Evenings series includes eight concerts featuring performances by faculty teachers and students. For more information on the Conservatory Evenings programme, please click here. The Steinway series promises 6 special piano concerts, of which information can be found at this link . The 32nd edition of Universitas, supported by the University of Debrecen and organised by the Faculty of Music and the Foundation for the Art of the Future, will bring world-renowned special performers to the city.  More information is available at this link.   Location: Faculty of Music, Liszt Hall   Source:dehir.hu

Vojtina Puppet Theatre Launches a Series of Exhibitions

Vojtina Puppet Theatre 13 Kálvin Square, Debrecen, Hungary

Artistic director Terka Láposi, the permanent curator of the exhibitions, invited artists and craftspeople who regularly help Vojtina to reflect on the secrets of the creative process, and who are all connected to puppets and puppetry. First, an exhibition of the works of Krisztina Csatáry-Nagy, the permanent photographer of the puppet theatre, will open on the  24th of  September in the exhibition space of the puppet theatre in Kálvin Square.  As a photographer, she has been following the life, performances and events of the Puppet Theatre for almost a decade, so the exhibition is a kind of documentation of the professional work and everyday life of the Puppet Theatre. She believes that she can create, to capture a moment authentically, when she gives herself completely to those who allow her to open up layers of herself to them. To stretch out a single image in an ideal moment, to extract it from the whole, requires total surrender. It takes time, it takes preparation. She wants to capture the real perceived state, feeling, mood. Her theatrical images are visual representations of the performances.  Date: from 24 September Location:  Exhibition space of the Puppet Theatre in Kálvin Square.  Source:dehir.hu