
The city is devoting considerable attention to improving both inner city and outer perimeter roads. Roadworks are underway at several points and will continue throughout the autumn.

“The year 2024 has given the municipality a huge scope for improving the city’s road network,” Mayor László Papp said at a press conference on the renewed Tímár Street on the 4th of September 2024.

He said that Debrecen has been undergoing comprehensive and intensive transport development for years, and improving the city’s road network is a priority in budget planning every year.

He pointed out that 57 roads have been renewed or built in the last period. These include the construction of 23 new roads, the large-scale asphalting of 26 roads and the renovation of 8 residential service roads. The mayor stressed that such a renovation programme had not been seen for decades.

László Papp recalled that Tímár Street has seen significant residential development in recent decades, with new apartment buildings being built, and is a relatively densely built-up and residential area.

He noted that the road improvement is also significant because the Reformed Church has a lovely, renovated kindergarten that is more easily accessible.

“Tímár Street is an essential gateway in this part of the city, which we have renovated over 225 metres with a municipal budget of HUF 42 million,” the mayor underlined.

He recalled that, as part of the Green City programme, Petőfi Square, Varga Street, Vármegyeháza Street and now Tímár Street have been renovated in the area, followed by a section of Iparkamara Street. He added that the city is paying considerable attention to improving inner and outer district roads, with road works currently underway at several points and will continue throughout the autumn.

Municipal representative József Hetei reminded that the large-scale asphalting of Sumen and Klaipeda streets had recently been completed, and Holló János Street and Petőfi Square had also been renewed in two phases. He said that the renovation of Tímár Street is a great joy for the residents, as it has many residents and a lot of traffic. Speaking about the works, he said that the old asphalt layer had been lifted, the pavements had been levelled and replaced, and new kerbstones had been laid on both sides of the road.

Source: debrecen.hu

Balogh Judit
Author: Balogh Judit