
In his year-end interview with Médiacentrum Debrecen, László Papp also spoke about the city’s transportation.

In response to a question from Editor-in-Chief Zsuzsa Keserű, the Mayor said that the city has developed a lot in this regard in the recent period, and drew attention to the fact that a long process started in 2017, during the local government term two years ago.

“That’s when we started the large-scale developments that are closely related to the city’s dynamics. Such as the one-way street conversion of Kossuth-Széchényi and Szent Anna-Miklós streets and the reconstruction of junctions. We have had tasks in recent years as well, and in 2024 alone the city spent nearly 5 billion forints on transport development. We carried out road construction or renovation work on 57 streets,” he highlighted.

László Papp said that they would have even more tasks in 2025, as the reconstruction of the junctions belonging to the large state road network would be on the agenda.

“We are already thinking hard on how to maintain traffic during the reconstruction of the Csigekert-Szabó Lőrinc-Füredi Road Intersection. The utility works for this will begin at the end of January or the beginning of February. At the last meeting, the general assembly decided to transfer the areas needed for the reconstruction of the Szoboszlói út-Külsővásártér intersection to the state. But the reconstruction of the Vámospércsi-Budai Nagy Antal-Hétvezér Road intersection will also be very important, as the eastern part of the city will be one of the main development areas in the coming years,” he mentioned.

The Mayor revealed that “the internal relief road network will also be expanded, as the connection of Domokos Márton Road and Road 354, which connects Debrecen-North and Hajdúhadház with an overpass junction, will also start in 2025. The motorway renovations affected the M35 motorway at several points on the outskirts of Debrecen last year, and the exit and entry sections will follow in 2025.”

László Papp added that with all the work they have to be very careful not to “turn everything upside down” in and around the city.

Source and photo credit: dehir.hu