
The creation of a 32-space parking lot was tendered in the area of ​​the university’s DEAC Sportcampus.

In the notice published in the Public Procurement Bulletin, it is stated that the University of Debrecen has carried out significant improvements in the Dóczy Street sports centre in recent years, one of the largest investments of which, the expansion of the DEAC grandstand building, has also been completed. The area currently hosts many weekday and weekend sports events, and major international events will also be held here in the future. The existing parking capacity in the area cannot be released in case of multiple events, several matches taking place at the same time. The expansion of the parking areas is necessary for the continuous use of the sports centre and the smooth running of the competitions.

The planned car parks will be connected to the road by paving the existing Móricz Zsigmond Boulevard gateway.

Companies can apply for the call until the 30th of July, the winner will have two months for thework.
