
In addition to the energy modernisation of the building of the University of Debrecen’s Kossuth Lajos Practising Gymnasium and Primary School in Arany János Square, the facade of Balásházy János Practical Training Technical School  will be renewed this year, and renovation plans for the disused part of the Csengő Street Grammar are being prepared.

As in the past years, this year’s summer vacation is also the time for upgrades, renovations and modernisation in the public education institutions of the University of Debrecen.

“After last year’s internal renovations and infrastructural developments, this year we are mainly carrying out external reconstruction, the major works will be done on the facades in Balásházy and Arany, and we are waiting for the first phase of the renovation of the dilapidated building in Csengő Street,“ Chancellor Zoltán Bács told hirek.unideb.hu.

During the energetic renovation of the University of Debrecen’s Kossuth Lajos Practising Gymnasium and Primary School in Arany János Square, in addition to the insulation of the facade and the roof, the external doors and windows will be replaced, the lightning protection network and the outdoor electrical system will be renewed, the canopies will be renewed, and new ones will also be created, in addition specialists install an outdoor video surveillance system in the school. The works will be completed by the end of the summer vacation and the beginning of the academic year.

The university is financing the modernization with EU support and its own resources.

The institution won almost four and a half billion forints for its five and a half billion HUF infrastructural development program, part of which is the modernisation of the Arany János Square school building.

Among the plans of the University of Debrecen is the renovation of office building No. 27 in the main building of the former Bocskai barracks belonging to the Csengő Street Grammar School. The Hajdú-Bihar County Government Office granted the university a heritage protection permit to carry out the renovation works of the listed building; the design documentation has already been completed. The full-scale reconstruction will take place on schedule, currently in phase I, the structural preservation and structural strengthening works of the building, which is in poor technical condition, are taking place. The public procurement procedure for the construction is underway.

On the 1st of July, the partial facade renovation of the central building of the Balásházy János Practical Training Technical School Grammar School and Dormitory  of the University of Debrecen, which is under local special protection, also began.

During the reconstruction, the facade of the building is cleaned, the damaged pieces of plaster are removed and the missing parts are restored in the same way as the original surface. Decorative denture elements that are largely broken and missing are remanufactured based on a template taken from the existing intact elements. The windows will be replaced with thermally insulated windows, and the stone staircase at the main entrance will be demolished and completely rebuilt. The renovation of the Pallag institution is financed by the University of Debrecen from its own resources.
