From July, the zoning system will be introduced, and parking will be paid in new areas, but residents will be able to apply for free parking.
The procedure conducted by DV Parking Ltd., the operator of parking facilities in Debrecen, for the purchase of ninety new parking metres has been successful. According to a notice published in the Official Journal of the European Union, the winning company was Yunex Traffic Ltd. The contract, worth a gross of HUF 430 million, includes the installation, commissioning and integration into a central software system of the ticket vending machines.
As known, the parking system in Debrecen has been and will be changed in two phases in 2025. On the one hand, the fees for parking permits have increased since January, while on the other hand, the residential permit, which used to cost HUF 6,000 per year, has become free of charge in the immediate vicinity of the residence. This applies not to one but to two persons per address and one car per person, meaning a maximum of two cars per address.
As of 1 July, the surface parking zone system (priority, I, II) will be replaced by a zone system, and areas where no parking fee was previously charged will be included in the pay zones. This will affect 7166 parking spaces.
The main reason for this is that in the current free zones, especially in residential areas, it is very difficult for residents to park their cars at home because of the large number of cars parked there. In addition, the city government aims to promote greater use of local and inter-city public transport and to reduce the increasing traffic congestion in the city centre and town centres.
The parking metres are scheduled to be installed in May, but should be operational from 1 July, overnight. András Fodor explained that the ninety new machines are thought to be enough because fewer and fewer people pay their parking fees through a machine today, with 70 percent of payment transactions being made by mobile phone.
It is important to note that for the time being, free parking can only be registered for residents on streets that are already in the pay zone.
According to DV Parking Ltd. car owners will be able to register on the streets newly included in the second phase of the conversion from 1 June.
This is how the zones will look from 1 July
The Centrum (red) zone covers the area from Petőfi Square to Piac Street and the immediate downtown area bordered by Csapó, Vár, Hunyadi János, Bethlen and Hatvan streets.
Zone I (orange) will surround the Centrum zone, which will be bordered by Honvéd Street to the north, by the small boulevard, Csemete Street, Nagy Imre Street, Tisza István Street and Antall József Street to the west, by Erzsébet and Wesselényi Streets to the south, and by Shumen, Klaipeda, Burgundia and Rákóczi Streets to the east.
The area of Zone II (green) will surround Zone I, which on the one hand includes the areas within the so-called grand boulevard. This is the part bordered by Böszörményi Road, Pesti Street, Nyugati Street, Erzsébet Street and the part bounded by Wesselényi Street, Hajnal Street, Rakovszky Street, Nyíl Street, Füredi Road. In addition, the area north of Füredi Street, bordered by Simonyi Street, Nagyerdei Boulevard, Dóczy József Street, Doberdó Street, and the area bordered by Böszörményi Street to the west, will also belong to the green zone.
Zone III (blue) will be the area around Nagyerdei Park, and Zone IV (yellow) will be the Klinika parking lot.
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