
High school students interested in the natural sciences competed. One of the oral rounds of the “I Know 2025” (in Hungarian Tudok 2025) competition was hosted by the Dóczy High School of the Reformed College of Debrecen, where 37 students presented their presentations to the professional jury. The students who performed best in the round advanced to the Carpathian Basin final in March.

The most talented high school students competed in technical and natural sciences. The Research Students’ Movement announces the Carpathian Basin Conference of Scientific Student Circles annually. The aim of this is to arouse the interest of high school students in scientific thinking and research. One of the venues for the oral round of the “I Know 2025” competition is the Dóczy High School of the Reformed College of Debrecen. At the two-day technical and natural sciences conference, a professional jury evaluated the presentations of 37 students.

Debrecen has always been an essential centre of the Hungarian natural and genuine sciences, as Deputy Mayor István Puskás said at the conference’s opening. “Since the beginnings of the Reformed College, or the almost 500-year history of book printing in Debrecen, real sciences, turning towards nature, and the study of nature have always been here in our city and have always brought significant results for the country’s culture and scientific life,” the Deputy Mayor emphasised.

The best students in the round will qualify for the Carpathian Basin finals in March, where the winners will receive institutional points from higher education institutions.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu