
Today, I’m discussing some of the top challenges I faced when I moved to Debrecen (in Hungary) and, as a bonus, how I overcame them. So, grab your coffee, sit back, and let’s get into it!

All right, challenge number one: the Hungarian language.

The Hungarian language is a unique and beautiful challenge, unlike anything you’ve ever heard. My first attempt at ‘Szia!’ (‘hi’ in Hungarian) was a bit of a stumble.

So, what did I do? Honestly, I leaned into the struggle. I downloaded a language app and practised a little every day. It felt like a challenge worthy of an Olympic sport at times, but I also started finding local meetups.  

Mastering the art of ordering a coffee in Hungarian was a priceless achievement! Making friends who were also learning the language was a game changer. So, my tip? Embrace the challenge, make mistakes, and connect with the locals. The sense of accomplishment when you start conversing in Hungarian is genuinely inspiring.

Debrecen is a treasure trove of events and places waiting to be discovered. For instance, the American Corner Debrecen regularly organizes get-togethers, and the Deutsches Kulturforum Debrecen does the same for German speakers. The joy of finding these local gems will surely make you feel excited and eager to explore.

Now let’s talk about something I only knew once I was actually in Hungary (challenge No.2): the lifestyle! The pace is different compared to what I was used to. My shock came from people taking long lunch breaks and closing shops earlier than back home. But here’s the thing—embracing this slower pace was like a breath of fresh air! I started to appreciate life more and enjoy each moment. Here’s my tip: try to take it all in and join in on the culture! Squeeze in a few siestas, enjoy long dinners with friends, and seriously, check out bars!

Debrecen has several bars and excellent restaurants; more information can be found here.

Next up, challenge number three: Navigating the bureaucracy. If I had a dollar for every time I stared at a document I didn’t understand… I’d be rich! Hungary has its share of paperwork—residency permits, health insurance, etc.

Here’s how I tackled it: First, I found this page. Debrecen4U. Debrecen4U is the official Expat Office of the City of Debrecen. I could get the first information online by reading chapters and articles and asking questions by phone or even in person. It was a great help to get started. In addition, I found a local Facebook expat group that is a treasure trove for this kind of thing. I asked about experiences, shared tips, and even got mentorship from someone who had navigated the system before. Less daunting together, right?

Here’s my pro tip: Contact Debrecen4U for a solid checklist of what you need before starting. It’s way better than diving into the unknown!

Eva Johnson