
Hungarian tradition and folk dance will be presented on the 17th of August. Besides the famous Debrecen Hajdú Dance Ensemble (Debreceni Hajdú Táncegyüttes), several folk dance groups and bands will perform on Kossuth Square.

The Debrecen Hajdú Dance Ensemble, which was awarded the European Prize for Folk Art, was founded in 1953, and its repertoire includes dances and dance customs from all over the Hungarian-speaking world in authentic and thematic staging.

For more than half a century, the ensemble has been performing its artistic and public cultural tasks with an almost unique, balanced high quality, which is marked by the following awards and recognitions:

In addition to the European Folk Art Award (three ensembles have this award in Hungary), the state Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Community Award,  the Pro Urbe Award of the City of Debrecen, and the Hungarian Heritage Award were awarded to the dancing community in 2014 for its value-creating work.


3 p.m.:  Stage performances, dance, crafts,  folk games for children, nature games,  exhibition and fair

6 p.m.: Dance performance with more than 300 dancers from kindergarten  to seniors


  • Folk dance groups, including Debreceni Hajdú Táncegyüttes, Debreceni Népi Együttes, Forgórózsa Táncegyüttes, Főnix Néptáncegyüttes, Aranyszalma Néptáncegyüttes
  • János Németi  – The Eternal Shepherd of Hortobágy
  • „Csinos” Imre Molnár – The Eternal Shepherd of Hortobágy 
  • Zsigmond Gyönyörű – Wedding host
  • Hajdúsági Citerazenekar (Band)
  • Bürkös Zenekar (Band)

Date: 17th of August

Location: Kossuth Square

Source: Főnix Rendezvényszervező Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. | Photo credit: Facebook (Papp László)