
Two and a half years after the handover of the Debrecen plant, the foundation stone of Sensirion’s new production hall was laid. The value of the sustainability-oriented investment is HUF 8.5 billion.

The Swiss Sensirion, the leading manufacturer of digital microsensors and systems, is expanding with a new five thousand square metre production hall in Debrecen. The foundation stone of the hall was laid on Tuesday.

Sensirion’s five-thousand-square-metre plant in Debrecen was also handed over in the fall of 2021 in the Debrecen Regional and Innovation Science and Technology Park in Határ út. The company’s Hungarian subsidiary manufactures sensors and microchips, its workforce is constantly expanding, and it already employs nearly a hundred people.

According to their plans, the number of employees will be doubled with the new production hall.

In 2022, Sensiron was the first to win the Sustainable Debrecen grand prize. The cooling and heating of the factory hall was solved using geothermal energy, the lighting is LED-based and equipped with presence sensors in most places, the factory produces most of its electricity with solar panels, and the surroundings of the plant were landscaped to the value of twenty million forints.

The first factory building was built jointly by the Xanga company group  and Szinorg Universal Ltd., and Sensirion Hungary Ltd. rents it from them, and the new production hall will have the same construction. Companies invest HUF 4 billion. Sensirion will install machines worth HUF 4.5 billion in the new production hall from its own resources. The first phase of the investment is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and the second phase by the first quarter of 2025.

‘Sensirion is in many ways a special value in the life of Debrecen, as it is a company that is most aligned with the city’s economic development strategy, by adding high value it produces its products with a high demand for knowledge,’ Mayor László Papp highlighted in his speech.

He recalled that at the time when Sensirion decided to invest in Debrecen, the coronavirus epidemic was not favourable for investments, but as the current development confirms, they made a good decision. László Papp praised László Ábrahám, the Head of the Debrecen Plant, who previously managed NI Hungary Ltd. for 18 years.

‘Relations between Debrecen and Switzerland are becoming more and more lively, and not only in the field of economy, since Swiss cultural days have already been held in the city,’ Switzerland’s ambassador to Hungary, Jean-Francois Paroz said.

Operational Vice President of Sensirion, Franziska Brem said that they were proud to invest in Hungary and to count on such a well-trained and motivated team.

‘The expansion of our production plant in Debrecen is a sign of our confidence in the future of the company and the Hungarian economy,’ she added.

Maintenance and Infrastructure Director of Sensirion Hungary Ltd. Imre Török said that the new production hall would also be designed taking into account sustainability aspects, so it would be completely free of fossil energy sources, and it would produce a significant part of the energy used for itself.

István Herdon, the CEO of the Xanga Company Group said that we can currently experience an investment boom in Debrecen. Sensirion’s new production hall does not necessarily stand out with its volume, but with the fact that sensors with high added value will be produced there; sensor technology is the industry of the future.

According to the Managing Director of Sensirion Hungary Ltd. László Ábrahám, the successful and effective operation of the Debrecen plant proves that Sensirion made the right decision when it chose Debrecen. ‘Switzerland had the top technology, and Debrecen had the knowledge,’ he added.

As also being said at the event that Sensirion would not stop there with the developments in Debrecen, they were already preparing another 2,500 square metre expansion.

Source: Dehir.hu