
Day of Hungarian Culture Programs

22nd of January

10.00 a.m. – 18.00 p.m.: On the occasion of Hungarian Culture Day, quiz game and colouring for young and old at the 
Location: Children’s section of MéliuszCentral Library, Bem Square 19/D

10:00 a.m : Inauguration of  Csokonai Mihály Vitéz Hall 
Greetings: Dr. Levente Béla Baráth, Rector of DRHE
Speech: Dr. Ferenc Vitéz, DRHE Vice Rector for Education
Location: Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Kálvin Square 16.

10:35 a.m. : Wreath laying ceremony of Ferenc Kölcsey’s relief in the DRHE building
Speech: Assistant Professor Dr. Mariann Keczán
Location: DRHE, Kálvin Square 16.

10.50 a.m : Placing a wreath on the statue of Ferenc Kölcsey
Speech: Dr. István Puskás, Deputy Mayor
Location: Péterfia street

1.00 p.m. : Handover of Kölcsey relics to the Déri Museum
Greetings:Mayor, László Papp
The Deputy Director of the Déri Museum, Dr. Lajos Lakner, will give a lecture on the history of the Kölcsey relics purchased with the support of the National Association of Entrepreneurs, Debrecen County Municipality and the National Cultural Fund.

3.00 p.m.: The Lituus Brass Ensemble, Oh, Debrecen… show
Contributors: private singer Marianna Bódi, masSquare teacher of the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen and students of the drama department of Ady Endre High School.
Location: DEMKI Debrecen Cultural CenSquare and Youth House, Simonffy u. 21.

4.30 p.m.: The 1980s in Debrecen: Architectural photo exhibition led by architect Emőke Pataky, with friends of musicians and city defenders
Location: Méliusz Central Library, Bem Square 19/D

5.00 p.m.: The exhibition of artists Zoltán Fátyol and István Tamus entitled Határkor
Exhibition guided by curator János Áfra.
Location: MODEM, Baltazár Dezső Square 1.

5.00 p.m.:Festive performance of the Trió Consort string trio from the works of Hungarian authors
Location: DEMKI Újkert Community House, Jerikó utca 17-19.

6.00 p.m.: Erik Majtényi, József Hencz: Such and such confessions for two voices
Performed by: Zita László, actor of the György Harag Company of the Northern TheaSquare of Szatmárnémeti and composer József Hencz
Location: Partium Ház, Piac u. 81.

6.00 p.m.: Sándor Weöres Towards completeness. Performance by the PR-Evolution Debrecen Contemporary Dance Ensemble
Location: Csokonai Forum, Zoltán Latinovits Hall

7.00 p.m. : Echo of the Carpathians – Festive performance of the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble. Greetings: Mayor László Papp
Location:Csokonai Theatre

7. 30. p.m. Borbély Szilárd: Nincstelenek, Csokonai Fórum, Kóti Árpád Squareem