
Francophone Film Festival at Apollo Cinema and MODEM

The best of French cinema comes to Debrecen in March, audiences can enjoy the best contemporary films at the 14th Francophone Film Days in Debrecen at Apollo Cinema and MODEM between the 18th and 22nd of March. 

Program of the Film Festival:
Apollo Cinema

18th of  March, 7.00 p.m.  Bonnard – A painter’s love French romantic biographical drama, 2023, 122’  in French, with Hungarian subtitles 
No great artist is without a muse, and often that muse happens to be a woman who is not just a model, but much more than that. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, such was the life of the painter Pierre Bonnard, Marthe.

19th of  March, 6.00 p.m. Bernadette – The Boss Lady French comedy, 2023, 92′ in French with Hungarian subtitles. 
Bernadette Chirac moves into the Presidential Palace with high hopes of stepping out of the background and finally getting the recognition she deserves. But the rather stiff First Lady has a few qualities she might want to shed for the sake of popularity.

20th of March, 6.00 p.m. Autumn chanson French comedy, drama, 2024, 115′ in French, with Hungarian and English subtitles. 
Mathieu, a successful Parisian actor, will soon turn fifty. Alice, a piano teacher in her forties, lives in a small seaside resort in western France. The two were in love for more than a decade and then parted ways. A lot of time has passed since then, and the two broken hearts have slowly healed. When Mathieu travels to the sea to escape the melancholy of the city, he unexpectedly stumbles upon Alice.

21st of March, 6.00 p.m. Falcon Lake Canadian-French romantic-fantasy drama, 2022, 100′ in French with Hungarian subtitles. 
13-year-old Bastien spends the summer in a lakeside cottage. He shares a room with his mother’s friend’s daughter, the 16-year-old Chloé, who is a mystery to him anyway. Despite their age difference, circumstances, a ghost lurking nearby, bring the two youngsters together. Because everyone has their own ghosts.

22nd of March, 6.00 p.m. French drama,  Dance of Life in French with Hungarian subtitles. 
The young star of the Paris Opera, Elise, is seriously injured at the end of a performance. The dreams of a brilliantly talented ballerina are suddenly dashed when doctors say she can’t dance for years. However, an accident leads her to the world of contemporary dance, where she meets new friends. Dancing is life itself, and it’s never too late to start new paths!

Date:18-22 March
Location: Apollo Cinema,  MODEM

Source: dehir.hu