
Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle

The Advent series ends with the lighting of the fourth Advent candle on Saturday, on the 23rd of December, at 4 p.m.

Speeches are given by Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs, the vicar of the Hungarian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity in Debrecen Barnabás Sipos and the Italian missionary Roberto Mattina.


Luca Márkus actor

Gergely Dánielfy actor and singer

Lautitia Choir Family

The choir of the Debrecen Holy Trinity Hungarian Orthodox Parish 

Dániel Sárosi organist

Hanna Jantyik, flute artist

Zsolt Dombovári cellist artist

Debrecen Folk Association

Debrecen Hajdú Dance Ensemble

Kuckó Art Farm

Bíró Orchestra

The flame of Bethlehem comes to Debrecen with the help of the 43rd Főnix Scout Team, and anyone can take it to their home at the end of the evening; the entrance is free.

Source:Meghitt muzsikával telik meg a debreceni Csonkatemplom – Debrecen hírei, debreceni hírek | Debrecen és Hajdú-Bihar megye hírei – Dehir.hu