
Magdafeszt 2023

The Magdafest will be held between the 4th and the 10th of October, 2023.

The Csokonai Theater in Debrecen organises a series of programs relating to Debrecen writer, Magda Szabó. The purpose of the event is to present the talent and the work of female artists whose unique art, like Magda’s, would be less known to the general public. Everyone is warmly welcomed to the theater event lasting several days. The organizers are preparing several productions. In the theater’s colorful lineup, everyone can find a play or performance that suits their taste.

Detailed program of the festival: Csokonai Színház (only in Hungarian)


The Mini Festival of Magda Szabó will be held in the city between the 5th and 7the of October. The aim of the festival is to bring Magda Szabó’s work within the reach of children and families, focusing on contemporary children’s literature, Hungarian poetry, music and books.

Programs of the Mini Festival of Magda Szabó: 

Karakter 1517 Bookstore and Café

  • 5th – 7th of October: Booksale in the Karakter 1517 Bookstore and Café
  • 5th of October, 4 p.m. 5 p.m. – Magda Szabó Exhibition Opening by Nóra Erdei, tour guide, creator of Explore Debrecen / Szabó Magda cake tasting in Karakter 1517 Bookstore and Café

Playground Sziget-kék

  • 6th of October, 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – Meeting with Judit J. Kovács, writer of books “Kerekítő”
  • 7th of October:
  • 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. – Park discovery game; a playful historical journey from the time of Magda Szabó
  • 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. – Literature therapy session with Magda Szabó and the Paperfly Literature Therapy; Maximum number of participants: 12 / Pre-registration required at szigetkek@zoodebrecen.hu
  • 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.: Making rhythm instruments
  • 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.: “Literary” concert with the Dörgő orchestra and Lilla Fehérváry