
Yoga for women at Aquaticum

Every month, on two designated Thursdays, from 4 p.m. until closing time, the ladies take centre stage, and during this period, our sauna world is just for the ladies without the men. 

On ladies’ days, Anna Kinga Jámbor gives a ladies’ yoga class in the relaxation room of the Thermal Spa (opposite the Sauna World).

In today’s fast-paced world, yoga is an excellent way to stay in touch with your body, notice its signs in time, and improve your health and physical and mental balance through regular practice. Yoga for women is a more indulgent mindset than a traditional type of class. The focus is on the cycles of the female body, stress management and relaxation.

From 5 p.m. onwards, with the help of professional sauna instructors, women will be able to relax from the week’s fatigue and learn about the benefits of a healthy sauna experience for both body and soul.

Date: 30th of December, 4 p.m – 5 p.m. 

Location: Thermal Spa, Aquaticum

Source: https://www.aquaticum.hu/en/noi-nap-szaunavilag