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Exhibition entitled “Metamorphosis” in Kálvin Gallery of the Reformed Great Church

Great Reformed Church Piac u. 4-6, Debrecen

Gábor Kustár's exhibition entitled “Metamorphosis”  opened  on the 10th of  March in  Kálvin Gallery of the Reformed Great Church.  The artist is a pastor and teacher in his everyday life, and now shows his sculptures in this sacred space. The sculptor describes his work as a wrestling between matter and spirit, to create a unique blend of both. Through the special exhibition the rotten wood, the rusty iron also come to life. The exhibition can be visited until June. Location:Kálvin Gallery of the Reformed Great Church   Source: dehir.hu

New Public Collection Exhibition of MODEM titled “What year are you?” opened

MODEM art center 1-3 Hunyadi János Street, Debrecen

The new public collection exhibition, with around 50 different artists presented from the founders to Generation Z marking a new chapter for MODEM, can be visited until the 31st of December 2024. The curators of the exhibition have chosen artists who have shaped MODEM's image over the years, showcasing works from a collection that has evolved over 18 years, incorporating collections, acquisitions, Debrecen International Artists' Colony results, and artist donations. Drawing on the insights of generational theory, each section is arranged according to the artists' year of birth, rather than according to the aesthetic, art theoretical or art historical categories they represent or can be associated with their work.  Exhibiting artists: Lost Generation: Vilmos Aba-Novák Founders (Builders):Judit Reigl, Vera Molnár Veterans: Ákos Birkás, Ilona Keserü, László Lakner, István Nádler, Endre Tót, Zoltán Tölg-Molnár, Baby Boomers: Imre Bukta, Lajos Csontó, Ágnes Eperjesi, László Fehér, László feLugossy, Imre Gábor, Pál Gerber, Balázs Kicsiny, Ilona Lovas, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Gyula Várnai Generation X: Zsolt Asztalos, Emese Benczúr, Attila Csörgő, Marcell Esterházy, Tibor Gyenis, Kriszta x-T Nagy,  Péter Pettendi Szabó, Sára Richter, Katharina Roters, Société Réaliste, József Szolnoki. Generation Y: Nikolett Balázs, Kincső Bede, Máté Dobokay, Tim Freiwald, Judit Ágnes Gallai, Judit Lilla Molnár, Márton […]

Debrecen Spring Festival 2024

The Debrecen Spring Festival 2024 will take place between 4 - 19 April 2024. The Festival, often called the cultural season opener of the city, awaits its audience again. The goal of the long-standing series of events  is to give a prominent role to the artistic content created here in connection with the Debrecen City Day, presenting cultural values in a wider and wider range. Both young and old are welcome to the Debrecen All-Art Festival. The varied programmes will provide the perfect entertainment for all ages for several days. Family mornings, dance evenings, children's concerts and many other exciting events are waiting for you in the city. Date: 4-19 April Location: Various locations in Debrecen Source: debrecenitavaszifesztival.hu, fesztivalportal.hu

Déri Museum and Zoo Debrecen offer joint spring experiences

The two major public collections of the city, the Déri Museum and Zoo Debrecen, have joined  to give the public a closer look at the unique natural and cultural richness of Asia. The promotion is valid from the 2nd to the 30th of April and includes by showing a full-price ticket to one institution, the other institution can be visited at a significant discount on weekdays, and both the Museum and the Park will bring the Far East even closer to its visitors with additional thematic programmes. In the great spring time the fauna and flora of five continents can be admired, including Asia, under the trees of the Great Forest, where visitors can meet such public favourites as Mulan, the world rarity leopard cub from northern China. Mulan or Mei, the first red panda born in Debrecen can guide visitors through the Park as  main characters in a free search game at the entrance. It's also worth visiting the plaid python in the new terrarium, as well as the information corner on palm oil next to the crocodile-tailed cam lizards and Vietnamese cave geckos. In the Déri Museum, Samurai Manor House can also be seen, which is significant not […]

An exhibition of students of the DSZC Creative Technical School opens in Újkert

Jerikó utca 17 Debrecen

An exhibition titled “Brilliant Mother Nature” on the theme of sustainability by students of the Creative Technology Centre of the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre will open in the lobby gallery of the DEMKI Community House in Újkert. The exhibition will be opened by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Matúra és Natúra Foundation, Head of the Debrecen Natural History Museum Zoltán Váradi on the 26th of April at 2.00 p.m. with a welcome speech by Managing Director of DEMKI János D. Halász, and Director of the DSZC Creative Technology Centre Enikő Kovácsné Győrfi. The opening will be attended by students of the institution. The exhibition is open until the 26th of May during the opening hours of the community centre. Date: 26 April - 26 May Location: DEMKI Újkerti Közösségi Ház (DEMKI Újkert Community Centre) Source: dehir.hu

Saint George’s Day Livestock Drive-Out Festival at Hortobágy

The all day long Livestock Drive-Out Festival awaits visitors with various programmes on the 27th of April. Folklore has always associated the beginning of spring with St George's Day on the 24th of  April, depending on the weather and the state of the pastures, this was the time when livestock were moved from their winter shelters to summer pastures and the shepherds were taken in.    Programmes of the Festival: 9:30 - 10:00 p.m. - Driving “Renyhe” stallion out into puszta 10:00 - 1:00 p.m.  - World Heritage Day - family activities 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. - St. George's Day Driving out Festival 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.  - Concert by János Csík and Mezzo   Guests are also welcome with a full day of activities at the Mátai Ménes from 09:30 a.m.  The day will start with the driving out of the mare into the wilderness, followed by the Hortobágy National Park's family programmes in the square in front of the Inn such as  puppet theatre and stilt performances, nature and folk games, handicraft activities featuring local handicraft products..  From 2 p.m. shepherds, herdsmen, six-oxen and folk carriages, and the sight of a horse-drawn carriage galloping in the Arena will […]


Full-dome Films in English in Agora

Agora Science Center Great Forest, Botanic Garden Entrance from Móricz Zsigmond Road!, Debrecen

Full-dome films are offered in English to the visitors of the Science Centre. Agora Science Centre has one of the largest portable digital planetariums in Hungary that enables visitors to surf in the starry sky, discover the motion of celestial bodies, and familiarise themselves with constellations. It guarantees a lifelong experience for both children and adults. Full-dome films available in English are the following: Europe to the Stars - from 4.00  p.m. every Thursday and Saturday. The Sun, Our Living Star - from 4.00 p.m. every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Participation is possible with the Agora entry ticket. The planetarium has a capacity of 40 people. Thus, visitors can participate in these programs with a limited number, in order of arrival. Further information about the films can be found here. Location: Great Forest, Botanic Garden, Entrance from Móricz Zsigmond Road,Great Forest, Botanic Garden Source: Agora

Exhibition “The Image of Colour, the Mystery of Image” opens in MODEM

MODEM art center 1-3 Hunyadi János Street, Debrecen

MODEM's latest exhibition titled "The Image of Colour, the Mystery of Image" opens on the 9th of February. The exhibition presents a comprehensive selection of monochrome paintings from the Antal–Lusztig collection, which is one of the most important private collections in Hungary. The owner of the collection, which includes hundreds of domestic and international works, dr. Péter Antal started buying monochrome paintings in the mid-2000s, which have since formed an important segment of his collection. In the past decades, we have seen a small or large selection of monochrome works at numerous domestic and foreign exhibitions. Among other things, the importance of these exhibitions is given by the fact that, thanks to this exceptional collector's commitment, the spirit and heritage of monochrome painting lives on not only in individual works of art, along the lines of consistent creative endeavours, but also emerges from time to time in the public discourse on the occasion of exhibitions selected from the Antal–Lusztig collection. This time, a selection exhibition from the monochrome segment of the Antal–Lusztig collection, organised into 7+1 separate units, guides the visitor. Through the research of monochrome painters, it guides you through concepts of painting that are thought to be obvious, […]

Exhibition entitled Impulses in DEMKI Youth House Gallery opens on 3 April

Gallery 21

Sára Hajdu will open an exhibition entitled Impulses and hold a literary evening on Wednesday, on the 3rd of April 4:30 p.m. in gallery room  21 of DEMKI Youth House Gallery. Sára Hajdu came into closer contact with painting a few years ago, before that she wrote poems for almost a decade. “Any form of creation is a kind of therapy, a journey around our soul, when everything else ceases, the heart also quiets down, and a kind of tingling excitement takes the place of the noise of everyday life. I have always been attracted to abstract art, my favourite is Salvador Dali. Each work is new and brings new excitement, for me this is the greatest inspiration,” Sára Hajdu says. Managing director of DEMKI János D. Halász will give a welcome speech at the event. Deputy Mayor István Puskás opens the exhibition with the  contribution of Katedra Theater Workshop. Since Galéria 21 is also an event hall, please call (36) 52 415 48 to find out exactly when the exhibition can be visited. Date: 3-30 April Location: DEMKI Youth House Gallery, Galéria 21, Simonffy Street 21   Source: dehir.hu  

Exhibition “Pictures literally” opens on the 27th of April

University of Debrecen Egyetem tér 1., Debrecen

In addition to his civil work, the exhibition "Pictures literally" of a family father from Hajdúböszörmény, who is engaged in many creative activities, opens on the 27th of April. The exhibition of Zsolt Böszörményi Kovács will be opened by Szilvia Szilágyi in Elméleti Tömb (Life Sciences Gallery of the University of Debrecen) at 3:00 p.m. with the collaboration of Valahány band. The artist tries to create completely unique, modern images to show proportion, beauty and dynamism in the images, all through improvisation. Some images are dominated by exciting structure and detail, others by composition and sometimes both. His aim is to make the images 'fun to look at', to give a positive, at most disturbing, but not negative experience. The exhibition is open until the 23rd of May. Date: 27 April - 23 May Location: Life Science Building, University of Debrecen Source: dehir.hu

Family and Health Day at Liget Square

Liget tér Liget tér, Debrecen

The first family event of the year with concerts, shows and other activities will take place on Saturday afternoon on the 27th of  April at Liget Square, from 2.00 p.m.  to 6.00 p.m.   The programmes include: performances by the Debrecen Folk Ensemble, Törköly Orchestra, Kangaroo Dance Sports Club and Luca Balduccio in the framework of the Move, Debrecen! programme, there will be a senior joy dance demonstration, visitors can look at retro cars Aqua Mano Party (a musical children's show) skill show by Mancsok és Paták Terápiás Egyesület (Paws and Hooves Therapy Association), Békessy Béla Fencing Club presentation  and many other interesting events.  The full programme can be found here. The main patron of the event is Municipal Representative of Csapókert Edina Szilágyi. Date: 27 April, 2.00 p.m.  to 6.00 p.m.  Location: Liget tér Source: dehir.hu

Tango Opera, María De Buenos Aires at Csokonai Fórum

Csokonai Fórum Csapó utca 30, Debrecen

The next performance of Tango Opera, María De Buenos Aires can be seen on the 27th of April at 7.00 p.m. at  Csokonai Fórum.  The nearly two-hour musical production at the Csokonai Theatre has raised the bar for musical theatre in Debrecen. The unique tango opera, María De Buenos Aires takes the audience into the South American night with a story rich in emotion and action. About the performance: María De Buenos Aires, a tango opera by Astor Piazzolla, is a classic tale about a girl who lives by night and is tango personified. She becomes a prostitute, falls in love, and is murdered. Despite her rebirth and becoming a parent, she is still best described as 'born on a day when God was drunk'. The musical world combines classical, jazz, and traditional tango. Tickets can be purchased via this link. Date: 27 April, 7.00 p.m. Location: Csokonai Fórum, Latinovics Zoltán Hall Source:csokonaiszinhaz.hu