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New Public Collection Exhibition of MODEM titled “What year are you?” opened

MODEM art center 1-3 Hunyadi János Street, Debrecen

The new public collection exhibition, with around 50 different artists presented from the founders to Generation Z marking a new chapter for MODEM, can be visited until the 31st of December 2024. The curators of the exhibition have chosen artists who have shaped MODEM's image over the years, showcasing works from a collection that has evolved over 18 years, incorporating collections, acquisitions, Debrecen International Artists' Colony results, and artist donations. Drawing on the insights of generational theory, each section is arranged according to the artists' year of birth, rather than according to the aesthetic, art theoretical or art historical categories they represent or can be associated with their work.  Exhibiting artists: Lost Generation: Vilmos Aba-Novák Founders (Builders):Judit Reigl, Vera Molnár Veterans: Ákos Birkás, Ilona Keserü, László Lakner, István Nádler, Endre Tót, Zoltán Tölg-Molnár, Baby Boomers: Imre Bukta, Lajos Csontó, Ágnes Eperjesi, László Fehér, László feLugossy, Imre Gábor, Pál Gerber, Balázs Kicsiny, Ilona Lovas, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Gyula Várnai Generation X: Zsolt Asztalos, Emese Benczúr, Attila Csörgő, Marcell Esterházy, Tibor Gyenis, Kriszta x-T Nagy,  Péter Pettendi Szabó, Sára Richter, Katharina Roters, Société Réaliste, József Szolnoki. Generation Y: Nikolett Balázs, Kincső Bede, Máté Dobokay, Tim Freiwald, Judit Ágnes Gallai, Judit Lilla Molnár, Márton […]

Photo Exhibition on the Wonders of Debrecen Opens on the 14th of May

Csapókert Community Center Süveg Street 3, Debrecen

Péter Károlyi is preparing for his first solo exhibition, which will open at DEMKI Csapókerti Community Centre on the 14th of May at 5.00 p.m. Deputy Mayor István Puskás and municipality representative of the Csapókert Edina Szilágyi will give a welcome speech at the event. The exhibition will be opened by photographer Márton Fejes, with the participation of university student Lizett Kunvári. Péter Károlyi  sees Debrecen as a very good mix of modern and classical styles, creating a unique cityscape and atmosphere. Among his eternal favourites are the Great Church, the Csokonai Theater, the Small Reformed Church, Gambrinus köz, Lake Békás-tó and the Árpád Square Church.  The exhibition will be on display at the Süveg Street institution until the 10th of  June.    Date: 14 May - 10 June Location: Csapókert Community Center, Süver Street Source: dehir.hu

Exhibition Titled Answers Without a Question of Kristóf József Balogh at MODEM

MODEM art center 1-3 Hunyadi János Street, Debrecen

Kristóf József Balogh is an artist born in Debrecen, currently living and working in Budapest. His first institutional solo exhibition will take place in the newly opened Project Space at the MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art. Although the painterly qualities may deceive viewers, Balogh actually uses screenshots of mysterious incidents as source material, where one is not quite sure what is happening. This varied visual collection draws on a wide spectrum of references and brings them into play. The artist's new series of anecdotal paintings for the exhibition often make unexpected shifts between cartoon characters, animals and human figures. These shifts can be seen as both references to the fluidity of (self-)identity and as reinforcing the intensity of abstract thinking and storytelling. In many cases, the opaque acrylic images are difficult to relate to each other, which further enhances the logic and narrative structure of their abstract representation. Balogh's aim is not to encourage the viewer to quiet contemplation, but to create a receptive situation in which the viewer can respond directly to images stripped of their original context. Curator: Török Krisztián Gábor Date: 9 May - 7 July Location: MODEM Source: modemart.hu  

Attila Kővári’ s new exhibition at Új Galéria

New Gallery (Új Galéria) 1 Széchenyi Street, Debrecen

Painter Attila Kőváry is opening his latest exhibition at Új Galéria in Széchenyi Street, organised by the Debrecen Artists' Guild Association, where he promises to show nature, garden, order and peace through his paintings. The artist admires the beauty, the goodness, the wisdom of the divine order manifested in nature, he stepped out of the twilight of the studio and expanded the space, the materials, the tools of creation. The exhibition entitled “Grass Garden for Sick Souls” will be opened by writer and journalist Miklós Szénási on the 23rd of May at 6.00  p.m., with the hintaLOW band performing.   Date: from 23 May Location: Új Galéria Source:dehir.hu

Short Film Screenings at Apolló Cinema

This year, for the first time, rural cinemas will join the Friss Hús (Fresh Flesh) festival for seven days, Apolló Cinema will also be the location of the program. About the festival: In 2024, the Friss Hús Budapest International Short Film Festival will be held for the twelfth time. The primary purpose of Friss Hús is to present the latest Hungarian and foreign short films, as well as to build a professional forum where creators who want feedback and dialogue can show their films to a larger audience. The screenings are usually sold out and generate significant professional and press coverage. The increasing number of visitors to the festival every year proves that short films are of wide interest. In Debrecen, the works of the Hungarian competition film blocks of the festival will be screened for seven days between the 30th of May and the 5th of June at Apolló Cinema. Ticket sales have already started, the detailed program can be found here, and you can read more about the films here. Date: 30 May-5 June Location: Apolló Cinema Source:dehir.hu, frisshusbudapest.com


Full-dome Films in English in Agora

Agora Science Center Great Forest, Botanic Garden Entrance from Móricz Zsigmond Road!, Debrecen

Full-dome films are offered in English to the visitors of the Science Centre. Agora Science Centre has one of the largest portable digital planetariums in Hungary that enables visitors to surf in the starry sky, discover the motion of celestial bodies, and familiarise themselves with constellations. It guarantees a lifelong experience for both children and adults. Full-dome films available in English are the following: Europe to the Stars - from 4.00  p.m. every Thursday and Saturday. The Sun, Our Living Star - from 4.00 p.m. every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Participation is possible with the Agora entry ticket. The planetarium has a capacity of 40 people. Thus, visitors can participate in these programs with a limited number, in order of arrival. Further information about the films can be found here. Location: Great Forest, Botanic Garden, Entrance from Móricz Zsigmond Road,Great Forest, Botanic Garden Source: Agora