
Night Ride

The Debrecen Night Ride takes place during the Debrecen Flower Festival in August. The event is becoming more and more popular every year. Employees of various companies and individual participants, families, and friends come to the huge night bike parade, where it’s all about colourful and imaginatively decorated bikes.

Virtual tour – TRIANON 100, in the Déri Museum

Déri Museum Déri tér 1, Debrecen, Hungary

The first exhibition of this kind in the Déri Museum commemorates in a special way the 100th anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty. The curiosity of the exhibition is that it only exists in the virtual space; the creation and furnishing of the exhibition space was done with a program by the staff of the museum: Balázs Korompai, Attila Ősz, and Katalin Váradi. Besides roaming freely, the program offers the possibility of guided tours as well. The focus is mainly on the Debrecen aspects of Trianon but, of course, with a national outlook. There are three distinct units in the exhibition, the first of which is about the economic and social cultural losses. The next part provides an insight into the fate of Debrecen between the two World Wars, while the last section presents the history of the Statue of Hungarian Grief from its erection up to the present day. Maps, archive photos, and detailed information help visitors to delve deeper into the topic. Moreover, the exhibition is further coloured with poems and interactive elements. The virtual tour available on artspaces.kunstmatrix.com The source and photo creadit l Déri Museum

The Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen opens its exhibition series

University of Debrecen, Faculty of Music, Hall Debrecen, Hungary

The Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen warmly welcomes visitors to its exhibitions, organized by the Public Culture Secretariat, Cultural and Organizational Office of the University of Debrecen. The Opening Ceremony is on 24th September at 3 p.m., and as part of the opening ceremony, the Faculty of Music expresses its gratitude to Tamás Debreceni, the founder of the Conservatory Gallery, for his 26 years of dedicated work. Festive greeting is given by Dr. Péter Lakatos, Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen, and Prof. Dr. Mihály Duffek, University Professor. The exhibition of Conductor, Graphic Artist and Painter Andrea Daru opens the series. The exhibition is opened by Art historian, Zsófia Albrecht. After the opening ceremony, The Faculty of Music  warmly welcomes  guemsts  to the author's evening of composer and organist Magda Dávid, held in the Liszt Hall at 4 p.m. Visiting the event is free of charge. Location: University of Debrecen, Faculty of Music,  Hall  

Tangible Exhibition – House of Debrecen Literature

Debrecen House of Literature 26 Péterfia Street, Debrecen, Hungary

Temporary exhibition of the Debrecen House of Literature and the Foundation "Kézzelfogható". Visitors can experience how blind people perceive the world and what information about the world is provided by touch. How seeing with touch is similar to seeing with the eyes. What is the difference between worlds born by touch and worlds born by sight. The exhibition can be visited until 1st of October 2023. Location: 26 Péterfia Street, Debrecen House of Literature and Ferenc Medgyessy Memorial Exhibition Source: Déri Museum      

At the dawn of the New World – István Tisza

Kossuth utca 1 Kossuth utca 1, Debrecen

The joint exhibition of the Parliamentary Museum and the Déri Museum under the title At the dawn of the New World - István Tisza opened in the Csokonai Literary Laboratory. The exhibition - which has now been supplemented with objects and documents related to Debrecen - can be viewed by those interested until the end of the year. We can get to know István Tisza's childhood through original family photos, personal items and furniture from the Geszt castle. The idyllic family environment where he grew up and from where he started his political career. The exhibition focuses on the person and politics of the former prime minister and speaker of the house, which is still in the crossfire of controversy today. The exhibition opened in the Csokonai Literary Laboratory will be open to the public throughout the year, prior registration is required to view it. The ticket for the guided tour can be purchased in advance at the Déri Museum box office. Opening hours of the Tisza exhibition: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday -  9. a.m. to 5 p.m. Location: Csokonai Literary Laboratory, 1 Kossuth Street  Source Déri Museum | Photo credit: Facebook (Papp László)

Guided tours in the wake of the cranes – Hortobágyi National Park

Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Hortobágy, Petőfi tér 9, Debrecen, Hungary

With the arrival of autumn, the cranes arrived at Hortobágy. The most attractive natural event of this period is the crane procession. The crane is the symbol of the Hortobágy National Park and also one of our most feared natural assets. The Hortobágy National Park Administration organizes various weekend tours from mid-September to the end of October to view the movement of tens of thousands of cranes, which is linked to dusk. Participation in the program is only possible  with PRIOR REGISTRATION. Applications open: September 9, 2022 3:53 p.m on https://www.hnp.hu/ Source and Photo credit l  hnp.hu

Exhibition of Transylvania between the two world wars.

Déri Museum Déri tér 1, Debrecen, Hungary

The priceless exhibition will be on display until January. The artworks on display come from the private collection of a doctor from Oradea and his son. “The art of Transylvania between the two world wars” – this is the title of a temporary exhibition that opened  at the Déri Museum. The exhibits come from the private collection of József Böhm, who also gave a subjective guided tour at the end of the opening. The selection on show at the Déri Museum is from his own collection and that of his father, also a doctor. The entire collection comprises around 250 works of art, of which a selection is now on display at the museum. The paintings include portraits, life portraits and landscapes. The deputy mayor István Puskás attended the opening and said that the works of Transylvanian artists also enrich Hungarian culture. Although Transylvania was separated from Hungary by the storms of history, achievements have been made there – not only in literature and theatre but also in the fine arts – which are an integral part of the culture of the Hungarian nation, the deputy mayor said. Source: dehir.hu | Déri Museum – Photo credit: Facebook (Papp László)

TIMELINES – Exhibition of Esterházy Marcell

MODEM art center 1-3 Hunyadi János Street, Debrecen, Hungary

Esterházy Marcell’s art practice focuses on the processing of the history of the Esterházy family, which connects to Hungarian and European history in many ways. In his works, he typically works with these family and found archival materials, appropriating and reinterpreting them, alternating great historical narratives and personal family stories in his poetic solutions. The special feature of TIMELINES is that it is an exhibition of his oeuvre, which is also a group exhibition. The multitude of timelines, i.e. the main background material of Marcell’s works, are collected in an unusual “control centre” in the space of the exhibition, where family relics and portraits and the related works of Marcell Esterházy’s co-creators and artist friends are placed next to each other chronologically, yet on a peculiarly emotional basis. The complex collection of objects reflects on the intersection of twentieth-century global and Hungarian history, as well as literary history and family histories, presenting the process of personal past processing, highlighting its compassionate attitude. Source: MODEM

”I told you, man”(„Mondottam, ember”) – Exhibition of thirty Debrecen artists.

New Gallery (Új Galéria) 1 Széchenyi Street, Debrecen, Hungary

The Debrecen Fine Arts Guild is organizing an exhibition again on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Imre Madách. Imre Madách  (20 January 1823 – 5 October 1864) was a Hungarian aristocrat, writer, poet, lawyer and politician. His major work is The Tragedy of Man (Az ember tragédiája, 1861). It is a dramatic poem approximately 4000 lines long, which elaborates on ideas comparable to Goethe's Faust and Milton's Paradise Lost. Today it is the central piece of Hungarian theaters' repertoire and is mandatory reading for students in secondary school. Many lines have become common quotes in Hungary. The main characters are Adam, Eve and Lucifer. The three travel through time to visit different turning-points in human history and Lucifer tries to convince Adam that life is (will be) meaningless and mankind is doomed.  Exhibiting artists: Csaba Szabó Aby, Eszter Biró, Teodóra Both, Attila Börcsök, Gabriella B Nagy, István B Orosz, Melitta Csorján, Sándor D Király, Zsigmond Géza Dombi, Zsolt Durucskó, Éles Bulcsú, Sándor Gárdonyi, Enikő Gyöngy, Tibor Hegedűs, Ibolya Horváth, János Komiszár, Eszter Láng, Gábor Lukács, Mihály Magyar, András Máthé, Éva Nuridsány, Erzsébet Palotai, Katalin Pelei, Imre Rácz, István Subicz, Zsuzsa Szász, István Tamus, József Toró, […]

Debrecen Spring Street Fair

In addition to classical music, jazz, and pop concerts, even performers experimenting with multiple genres are introduced to the audience. The theatrical repertoire also includes some dance performances. Fine art is brought closer to the visitors by the annual Debrecen Spring Exhibition

Night of theTheaters

The "Night of the Theaters" (in Hungarian, "A Színházak Éjszakája") is an annual cultural event that takes place in various cities and towns across Hungary, including Debrecen. This event typically occurs on a designated night, and it aims to celebrate and promote the performing arts, particularly theater. During the Night of the Theaters, participating theaters in Debrecen and other cities open their doors to the public for a special evening of theatrical performances, behind-the-scenes tours, workshops, and various cultural activities. The specific details and program of the event can vary from year to year. We will publish details of upcoming event. Stay tuned.