
12th University Bird Ringing 

Ország László Sétány Országh László Sétány, Debrecen, Hungary

Interested parties, enthusiasts are warmly invited to the 12th University Bird Ringing event on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 p.m., where they can admire the birds visiting the feeder, learn fascinating facts about the art of bird ringing, or simply unwind after the exam period! The programme will take place at the bird feeder set up between the University’s Main Building and the Life Sciences Building on Országh László Promenade.  At the event, dr. Lajos Juhász will give an up-close introduction to the bird species found around the University. The event is open to everyone,  feel free to stop by anytime between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 p.m.  Visitors are asked to take a mug with them, as hot tea will be served. Birdlife Hungary, Hortobágy National Park Directorate, Természettár ((Debrecen-based amateur nature conservation organisation) and E-misszió Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection Association will also be present, offering exciting games for you to enjoy! Date: 4 March Location:Országh László Promenade Source: FB events  

Collage Workshop

KraftLab Bethlen Street 1-9, Debrecen, Hungary

Visitors at the workshop can unleash their creativity and design a unique notebook cover using collage techniques on the 5th of March, and in the fun and hands-on session they will play with colours, textures, and patterns to make something truly theirs. Provided Tools: Scissors, colorful papers, white papers, glue, tape (both basic & decorative) Required Tools: Any kind of notebook (agenda, diary, or course notebook.) Print-outs (It is not compulsory to bring printed materials, but magazines, newspapers, or anything that can be cut out are appreciated to bring)   Participants should not forget to bring things they love, like a photo of their favorite rock band, a poem they  adore, or a picture of their favorite animal.  Limited spots are available, as only 15 participants can join, so registration is mandatory at  kis.szabolcs@kozpontegyesulet.hu Registration deadline: 3 March Bring your creative spirit and let’s craft together!    Date: 5 March, 4.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. Location: Kraftlab Source: FB events  

Janoska Ensemble Concert

Kölcsey Center Bethlen u., 4026, Debrecen, Hungary

Janoska Ensemble will visit Hungary in March 2025 to bring the audience a magical concert experience. The ensemble combines classical music with modern genres with boundless creativity, all spiced up with masterful improvisations. The group's exciting style has been a worldwide success. They have performed at iconic venues such as the Sydney Opera House, London's Royal Albert Hall and New York's Carnegie Hall, and have worked with world-famous artists such as Hans Zimmer, B.B. King and Bobby McFerrin.  Their philosophy is simple and powerful: "We give - we get - we give more - we get more..."  The interaction between band and audience creates a special atmosphere that has become a trademark of all their concerts.  Come to the event and let yourself be captivated by a stunning fusion of classical and modern music, where every note transports you to a new world!  Tickets can be purchased via this link.   Date: 6 March, 7.00 p.m. Location: Kölcsey Centre Source:FB events Photo credit: visitdebrecen.com  

Debrecen Antiques Fair

Nagyerdei Stadium Nagyerdei park 12, Debrecen, Hungary

Visitors who enjoy the market ambiance and a variety of antique objects can return to the Mecca of Antiques on the 8th of March  starting at 7.00  a.m. The antique fair in Debrecen welcomes buyers and sellers on the second and fourth Sunday of every month. At the fair, only objects and tools belonging to the scope of antiques and works of art can be sold. In addition to the usual coins, medals, weapons and furniture, antique dealers also offer their not-so-old books. Porcelain tableware, paintings and family silver can also be found in the diverse and colourful offerings.   Date: 8 March, 7.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. Location:Northern car park of the Nagyerdei Stadium Source:FB events

Spring Walk at the Shelter

Dog House Animal Shelter Kuvasz utca 10, Debrecen, Hungary

Animal lovers are welcome to join the 9th of March for a day of activities at the shelter, starting at 10.00 a.m., including a dog walk and a relaxing cat petting with coffee. At the flea market, visitors will have the chance to support the shelter’s rescues by purchasing a variety of souvenirs, and have fun with the “youngsters” in the puppy run. Anyone who is a returning guest might know that "Together for Animals" Animal Protection Association organises events along different themes, several times a year, so now they open the line with their first event in 2025. Programme: Dog walk 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.  Cats petting 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. - open access to the cat house flea market 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.  A bake sale is also available the dog walk. Date: 9 March Location:Debrecen, Kuvasz utca 10, 4002 Source: FB events

Motherhood or Career? Why not both?

Grand Hotel Aranybika Piac u. 11-15, debrecen, Hungary

MCC Debrecen Educational Center holds a lecture in English on motherhood and career on the 12th of March. The lecture will address the following questions: Does a woman really have to choose between motherhood and a career?  Why is motherhood today seen as an obstacle, when for many women it is their greatest source of strength?  The presentation will show how family and fulfilment can be mutually reinforcing for the modern woman. Is it society's expectations or our inner fears that are holding us back?   Information about the event: The lecturers at the event will be MCC Fellow, Evelyn Whitehead, President of the Three Kings, Three Queens Foundation, documentary filmmaker Fruzsina Skrabski, and Research Director of the MCC Institute for Youth Studies, Georgina Kiss-Kozma. The presentation will be in English. The event is free to attend but registration is required. If interested, please register at the following link: https://mcc.hu/esemenyregisztracio/anyasag-vagy-karrier-miert-ne-lehetne-mindketto Registrations can be submitted until 12:00 p.m., 12th March, 2025. Everyone interested in this topic is welcome to attend!   Date: 12 March, 2025, 5.00 p.m. Location: MCC Debrecen Educational Center, 11-15 Piac Street (Aranybika Hotel) Source:MCC Debrecen 

Debrecen Fair Festival

Forgotten Castle Erdőmestre utca, Debrecen, Hungary

For two days in the spring of 2025, the “Forgotten Castle” will be open to visitors with nearly 100 vendors at its season-opening event. Application form for vendors: https://docs.google.com/.../1ymOj-7moVZXmwuXQ_WSCC9W.../edit Further information: Phone: (+6)20 7771 116 Email: elfelejtettkastely@gmail.com   Date: 15-16 March Location: 5 Erdőmester Street Photo credit: dehir.hu Source: FB events

Between Family and School : Who is responsible for raising the next generation?

Grand Hotel Aranybika Piac u. 11-15, debrecen, Hungary

MCC Debrecen Educational Center holds a lecture in English about the role of the family and the school on the 24th of March. Description: Teachers and parents share many goals. Both seek to educate, nurture and discipline children. However, this similarity hides crucial differences. Families operate in the private sphere of the home and are motivated by love for one another whereas teachers work in the public realm of the school and aim to ensure children master academic skills and gain subject knowledge. When we lose sight of these differences, tensions can arise.  Joanna Williams explores the changing roles of teachers and parents in raising children. She argues that confusion over responsibilities undermines adult authority in general, to the detriment of children, education and family life; and suggests a path towards resolution. Information about the event: The lecturer at the event will be the Founder and Director of the Cieo think tank, MCC Visiting Fellow, Joanna Williams, The presentation will be in English. The event is free to attend but registration is required. In interested please register at the following link: https://mcc.hu/esemenyregisztracio/a-csalad-es-az-iskola-szerepe-ki-felel-a-kovetkezo-nemzedek-neveleseert Registrations can be submitted until 12:00 p.m. 24th March, 2025.   Everyone interested in this topic is welcomed! […]

Exhibition of Rarely Seen Elvis Relics Opened

Józsa Community Centre Szentgyörgyfalvi út 9, Debrecen-Józsa, Hungary

On the 8th of January, Elvis Aaron Presley, the singer, musician and actor considered the king of rock and roll, would have celebrated his 90th birthday. To mark the occasion, DEMKI Józsa Community Centre is organising an exhibition of Gábor Szilágyi's collection. The collector said he had idolized the icon, who lived only forty-two years, for nearly five decades. Ever since Gábor Szilágyi fell in love with Presley's music, he has been fanatically collecting all relics related to the singer and singing his songs. He emphasised that he wants to present the king of rock and roll to the public from a lesser-known side, and at the beginning of his fandom, the hunt for Elvis relics was particularly difficult. “When I fell in love with his music, it was still difficult to acquire anything about him, but the joy of waiting made the time spent on this worthwhile. I also want to introduce the artist and the musician at exhibitions and during my singing evenings, but I would rather have interested parties get to know Elvis as a generous, deeply feeling person,” he said. The vinyl records, CDs, posters, advertising materials and other relics acquired by Gábor Szilágyi are also […]