11th Budapest International Documentary Film Festival
Cinema City Debrecen Péterfia u. 18, Debrecen, HungaryWith the slogan of “There's a film inside you" the 11th Budapest International Documentary Film Festival will be held between the 31st of January and the 2nd of February. In the last days of January, 11 cities around the country, including Debrecen, will screen the documentaries from around the world that won the most awards last year. After the screenings, the films will be followed by a traditional discussion with renowned experts on the topics raised by the films, in which the public will be able to participate. In Debrecen, six festival films tell stories about us, who are the everyday heroes of our own lives, with our own everyday struggles to fulfil our everyday desires, in our own everyday families, in the grip of our ever-present everyday fears. The themes of the festival's sections are organised around these ideas. The Debrecen programme will examine current issues that concern everyone, such as love, war, the contrast between urbanisation and agrarianism, the psychology of elite sports, or the ecological and health effects of large-scale factories. We can learn about the everyday lives of Russian front-line soldiers, why and how thousands of people disappear from one day to the next in Japan […]