
A peek behind the scenes tours at Debrecen International Airport

Debrecen International Airport Repülőtéri út. 12., Debrecen

Debrecen International Airport and the Aviation Cultural Centre are inviting visitors on a special tour. From 2022, it has been possible to visit places visitors could not get to before. Airport visits will take place on the 16th and the 23rd of June. Arriving groups will be taken by bus to points of the airport where passengers would otherwise have no access at all.  The tour includes the runway, several military hangars and the training ground for firefighters. “This is a great programme for all ages, from pre-school groups, school groups, class trips, to family activities. A bus seats about 50 people, which is how many people can come on a tour, whether it's a class or an individual tour," Founder of the Aviation Cultural Centre Dániel Somogyi-Tóth recommended the airport visits earlier. Registration can be submitted at debrecen.repterlatogatas.hu Date: 16, 23 June Location: Debrecen International Airport  Source:dehir.hu

Textile Sculptor’s Exhibition “Magic of the Moment” Comes to Debrecen

DAB Székház Thomas Mann u. 49., Debrecen, Hungary

The soon-to-open exhibition of textile sculptor Tímea Sz. Nagy focuses on the experience of "now". At the beginning of 2020, after a very successful exhibition, the country closed down almost immediately, leaving the artist a lot of time for reflection. Many, many works of art were created during this time, all around the theme of introspection, contemplation, silence and gratitude. For Tímea Sz.Nagy it is very important to live the present, to experience every single moment of the creative process, to feel and enjoy, to taste the magic, to absorb the experience that the creation gives... and to pass on its message. As she puts it so strongly, the focus of her forthcoming exhibition in Debrecen is on living the "now". The exhibition opens on the 19th of June at 4.30 p.m. at DAB Székház in Thomas Mann Street. President of the MTA DAB Club, professor István Rácz will give a toast at the event, which will be opened by art writer János Cs. Tóth with the participation of Anita Oláh playing the harp. Date: from 19 June Location: DAB Székház Source: dehir.hu  

Exhibition of works by Transylvanian and Partium painters opens in Debrecen

Partium House Piac Street 81, Debrecen, Hungary

An exciting and particularly valuable exhibition will open on Thursday the 20th of June at 5:00 p.m. at Partium House on Piac Street. The Kiss-Nagy couple, who live in Debrecen, for thirty years have been collecting fine art works dated from 1949 to the present day. At the invitation of Partium House, they have now put together an exhibition of works by 31 artists from Transylvania and Partium. The exhibition will be opened by museologist Lilla Szoboszlai, flutist, the winner of the XI National Jeney Zoltán Flute Competition Gábor Hajna and pianist Gergő Sári. List of exhibitors:   Imre Ambrus (Gyergyóalfalu, 1936-2018) László Félegyházi (Szatmárnémeti, 1907-1986) Jenő Barcsay (Katona, 1900-1988) Leo Békéssy (Oradea, 1890-1966) Árpád Bényi (Dicsőszentmárton, 1931-2006) Tibor Budaházi (Kőszegremete, 1954) János Deák (Nagybánya, 1928-2018) Attila Demjén (Dicsőszentmárton, 1926-1973) Gyula Dudás (Maroshévíz, 1929-2015) Frank Magda (Cluj Napoca, 1914-1997) Sándor Gajzágó Sr (Dés, 1901-1988) Gross Arnold (Torda, 1929-2015) Árpád Huszty (Nagybánya, 1933-2008) János Incze (Szinérváralja, 1909-1999) Jenő Koórodi (Ádámos, 1922-1999) Kopacz Mária (Târgu Mures, 1941) István Kozma (Szatmárnémeti, 1937-2020) Izolda Macskássy (Târgu Mures, 1945-2021) György Tamás Madarassy (Nagybánya, 1947) Pál Miháltz (Magyarvalkó, 1899-1988) István Moldovan (Cluj Napoca, 1911-2000) Emil Róbert Novotny (Târgu Mures, 1898-1975) Éva Nuridsány (Csíkszereda, 1942) András Rác […]

The Breakfast of Debrecen – Scrambled Eggs World Record

Kossuth tér Kossuth tér

On the 21st of June, from 6.00 a.m. the world's biggest scrambled eggs will be fried from 75,000 eggs in Debrecen's Main Square.  Guests are also awaited with tastings, exciting games and prizes. Come to the Main Square on the morning of the 21st and let's eat Debrecen's breakfast together, courtesy of “Csibém”. Programmes: ~ 6.00 a.m. - 10.00  am: Radio 1 offsite program with Balázs ~ 7.00 a.m. Scrambled eggs tasting ~ 7.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.: Special games ~ 9.00 a.m. Egg-eating contest During the event there will be valuable prizes to be won. The event is completely free of charge.   Date: 21 June, 6.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Location: Main Square Debrecen Source: FB events

UPDATED Programmes of the Night of Museums on the 22nd of June

Debrecen institutions are preparing for the Night of the Museums together this year, and coordinating their programs. The Night of Museums programme series offers a lot of interesting and fascinating events, activities on the 22nd of June. DÉRI MUSEUM Déri Square 5.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. Square Music - Hungarian Defence Forces Bocskai István 11th Armoured Hajdú Brigade Garrison Band 5.30 p.m. "Just football" - goal kicking tournament 6.00 p.m.  Saturday night jazz with Chico Manada 7.00 p.m. "Just football" - goal kicking tournament 7.30 p.m.  hintaLOW concert 9.00 p.m. "Only football" - announcement of the results of goal kicking tournament 9.30 p.m. "Lasciatemi cantare" the best Italian hits performed by Luca Balduccio 11.00 p.m. Fire juggling show of Karmazsin és Lángoló Csigák (Crimson and Flaming Snails) 4.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. Folk playground and football wall on Déri Square Déri Museum - Ceremonial Hall 7.00 p.m. "Munkácsy's musicians" - a performance by the Creative Music Workshop 8.00 p.m."Just football" - legends on the podium - round table discussion with Tibor Dombi, Csaba Bernáth, Zsombor Kerekes. 9.00 p.m. Steel and fire in Debrecen - Myths and legends about the first bombardment of the city - Lecture by historian and chief […]

Fantasy Day at Debrecen Zoo

On the 22nd of June, the country's only classic amusement park will show the public a never-before-seen face as the worlds of fantasy and sci-fi, comics and cosplay, anime and manga, video games and VR move to the Park on the magical day of Midsummer Night. A taste of the morning to late evening programmes: - Youtuber meeting with ZsDav, Gergő Jánosik, Sajt32 and DoggyAndi - Cosplay competition and anime quiz - Giant comics drawing and comics fair - Live Counter Strike and Mensa HungarIQa logic games - Fire jugglers and LED show - Superhero face painting and caricature making - Exhibitions and workshops In view of the rich programme, on the 22nd of  June, the Amusement Park can be visited with a 2500 p.m.HUF per person ticket, which includes one free use of any slot machine, or with a 6800 p.m.HUF per person magic carousel ticket, which includes unlimited use of slot machines, both of which can be purchased online in advance and on site.  Detailed programmes 10:00 a.m. History of comics 10:30 a.m. Flash Art: Giant comic drawing 11:00 a.m. Youtuber meeting with zsDav and Gergő Jánosik 1:00 p.m. Cosplay competition round I 2:00 p.m. RC car show […]

Photo Exhibition “A Beautiful, Ugly World 2024” at Új Galéria

New Gallery (Új Galéria) 1 Széchenyi Street, Debrecen, Hungary

András Máthé and his pictures will soon be on show in a new exhibition entitled  "A beautiful, ugly world 2024", opening on the 23rd of June at 11.00 a.m. at Új Galéria  in Széchenyi Street. It is difficult to imagine András Máthé without a camera, but when he walks around the world without one, he probably notices everything that could be the subject of a well-made photo. He recently received a major professional recognition by winning the main prize of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) at the XXIII Esztergom Photography Biennale. The photographer promises that there will be surprises in this exhibition, which will feature mostly works that have never been seen before. András Máthé's exhibition will be opened by painter István Subicz, with Emőke Balog and József Balog (vocals) and Eleonóra Majorosné Tóth (flute).  The exhibition is open daily from 1:00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., except Mondays, until 10 July. Date:23 June - 10 July Location: Új Galéria Source: dehir.hu

Krisztián Budai’s Solo Conga Evening

DESz24 Batthyány u. 24., Debrecen

A special programme entitled “ The conga player” awaits those interested in music and theatre on Wednesday the 26th of June from 19:00 at the Desz24 club on Batthyány Street.  Krisztián Budai, an excellent musician from Debrecen and his solo performance is half theatre, half music, a "one-man show". As Krisztián Budai writes about his performance: "A little bit of music, including percussion instrumental music, a little bit of theatre, a little bit of life, a slice of myself, of my life. A one-man show, I call it a life story. Questions, reflections on life, self-reflections, problem posing, and maybe some answers or just more questions. In the process of writing, it became clear to me that it would not be enough to put in generalities, without my own tastes, my own insights, or even my own lived experiences, this whole fabric would not work. Through the questions, problems and stories we can learn about ourselves, our own lives or our patterns. So if you come, you are guaranteed to get a big dose of percussion music, a big dose of the percussionists' lives, and a big dose of me and my stories". The event is free, but a supporter […]

Exhibition “Subjective” by photographer Éva Keleti Opened in Bényi Gallery

Bényi Gallery Hunyadi utca 1-3., Debrecen, Hungary

Exhibition "Subjective" by photographer Éva Keleti was opened on the 27th of June at the Bényi Gallery of Kölcsey Centre. Photographer, photo editor, Kossuth, Béla Balázs and Prima Primissima Prize-winning artist Éva Keleti  was born on 18th of August 1931 in Budapest. Her work spanning more than 70 years is a significant part of Hungarian culture and national photographic history. Her pictures are both independent works and artistic cord documents. During this period, she made tens of thousands of photographs. She has had several solo exhibitions in Hungary and abroad. For decades she has held social positions in several professional photographic organisations and in the Hungarian Association of Journalists, of which she is honorary president. She is also responsible for the organisation of the Hungarian presentations of the World Press Photo exhibitions, and has curated numerous exhibitions, edited and co-edited dozens of books. The exhibition can be visited free of charge until the 8th of August during the opening hours of Kölcsey Centre, daily from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., and until 7.00 p.m. during evening events. Date: 28 June - 8 August Location: Kölcsey Centre (Debrecen, Hunyadi u. 1-3.) Source: fonixinfo.hu

International Street Festival on the 28th of June

Batthyány Street Batthyány utcán, Debrecen, Hungary

On the 28th of  June, Debrecen Creative Community organises an International Street Festival. Food, drinks, dance, music, children's activities, sports activities from many, many countries around the world await visitors at the event. Within the framework of the street festival, the "OTT-HOME. International Meeting Point", a place where internationals and locals can meet will be officially opened. Join the street festival and enjoy the culture of different nations! Date: 28 June 4.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. In case of rainy weather the event takes place on the 29th of June. Location: Battyanyi Street   Source:FB events  

Lavender Picking Weekend at Létavértes Lavender Garden

Léta Lavender Garden Kossuth kert, Létavértes, Hungary

Lavender garden in Létavértes is opening their gate for the 12th time. The lavender  garden is  waiting for the lovers of French and English lavender on Saturday the 29th of  June from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Sunday the 30th of June from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Visitors can see a dark purple and light purple “carpet”made of nearly 10,000 lavender stems on the hillside. The flowering bushes will be made public, so guests can take part in the harvest with a “Pick yourself” action, fill up a harvest bag you can buy on site and take it home. You can browse through lavender products, surprise your loved ones with our fragrance pillows, and local artisans and farmers will also be selling their wares on and around the site. Before the open weekend, the venue is available for photo shoots by prior arrangement. For more details and to make an appointment, please contact Csilla Péter at this phone number: +36 70-604-0135 Date: 29-30 June Location:  Létavértes, Kossuth kert, 4281   Source: Official site of Létai Levendulás, FB events  

Prize Draws and Night Splash Party at Aquaticum

Aquaticum Debrecen SPA Nagyerdei park 1, Debrecen, Hungary

All day long, Aquaticum Debrecen will be waiting for visitors with exciting prize draws and gifts (movie, theatre and concert tickets) on the 29th of June at Aquaticum Beach with CAMPUS Radio being on-site all day. The day’s programmes will end with a huge, Night Splash Party with Lina and DJ Audrey. Further details will be available soon at https://www.aquaticum.hu/hu/campus-radio-kitelepules Visitors should kindly note that the organiser reserves the right to change the programme and will be taking pictures and videos for advertising purposes. By participating visitors acknowledge that audio and video recordings may be made. Date: 29 June 10.00 a.m. - 30 June 12.00 a.m. Location: Aquaticum Strand, next to Adventure pool Source: FB events, aquaticum.hu