“The public procurement for the continuation of the Domokos Márton Road has been successful,” Mayor László Papp announced on his Facebook page. According to the summary uploaded in the Public Procurement Notices, Duna Aszfalt Út és Mélyépítő Zrt. was the winner of the tender announced by the Ministry of Construction and Transport with a gross bid of HUF 8 billion 250 million.
The first section of the Domokos Márton road was built between Balmazújvárosi Road (Main Road 33) and the eastern end of Vezér Street by January 2020. The road is 1.1 kilometres long, has two lanes, and is over 3 metres wide. As part of the project, street lighting was installed, and sewerage was provided. It was already discussed and later agreed between the municipality and the government that the road would be extended from its current endpoint to Main Road 354, the Debrecen northern bypass, using public funds. The contractor has now been selected for this section of the road.
According to the tender documents, the winning bidder will have the following tasks: the construction of a new 1.5 km long, 2×1 lane suburban road section between Main Road 354 and Vezér Street, which is managed by the City of Debrecen, including the construction of a new, separate level junction at km 2+700 of Main Road 354. The road to be built will continue in a northerly direction, joining the Debrecen northern bypass 354, over which it will be crossed by a bridge. Four interchange branches will be provided for those arriving from Main Road 354 to access the new section of the road via the separate level crossing.
The road can relieve several high-traffic roads; for example, Balmazújvárosi Road and Vezér Street can reduce traffic, but it will also allow Böszörményi Street to be bypassed.
“If the entire road is completed, this road will be an obvious choice for those heading from the north to the central or southern part of the city, and it will also be able to fulfil a serious traffic relief function in parallel with Böszörményi Road,” Mayor László Papp stated earlier.
In addition, a new road connection will also be built to the plants of major companies such as BMW, ThyssenKrupp and Ewe Power.
The winning company will have 20 months from the time of taking over the work area to construct the road.
Source and photo credit: dehir.hu