
“WEST HUNGÁRIA BAU Ltd. has been awarded the contract for the complete general construction of the multifunctional warehouse logistics centre of the Waberer’s Group in Debrecen,” WHB Group announced on its Facebook page.

Waberer’s has purchased a plot in the Northwest Economic Zone, which is also home to BMW Group Plant Debrecen and WEST HUNGÁRIA BAU Ltd. is responsible for the general construction of a hall building with a useful floor area of approximately 22,000 square metres, associated office blocks and approximately 21,000 square metres of paved external surface (road and parking).

Please see the visual plans here.

“In addition to the high-quality technical content, particular attention will be paid to ensuring that the future facility achieves an exceptionally high energy efficiency rating, meeting BREEAM  ‘Very Good’ and Access4you ‘Silver’ requirements in all respects,” the company said.

According to a previous statement, Waberer Debrecen is one of the country’s fastest-growing regions, and the company plans to serve several major automotive projects, related suppliers and its current customer base from here.

The development of the Debrecen logistics centre fits well with the Waberer’s Group’s strategy up to 2027, one of the pillars of which is to build a modern warehouse network with national coverage and a low environmental footprint. The large-scale logistics centre, like the one built in Ecser, is expected to use several environmentally conscious and energy-efficient solutions in line with the Group’s sustainability strategy.

In the Northwest Economic Zone, in addition to BMW Group Plant Debrecen, Ewe Power will build a battery plant, Schedl a car wheel assembly plant, Infogroup a logistics hall, ZF a plant for the production of rear axles and shock absorbers, and the Debrecen Logistics and Truck Terminal will also be located there.

Source and photo credit: dehir.hu