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Vezér Veterinary Centre
The Vezér Veterinary Centre opened its doors in April 1999, specialising in the treatment of patients – dogs, cats, small rodents, ornamental birds, reptiles. In addition to general patient care, specialised internal medicine, surgical operations and exotic animal treatments are carried out. They are available after hours until 22:00 on weekdays and until 16:00 on weekends and holidays for patients requiring immediate emergency care. The founding veterinarians are Csaba Csürke and Tibor Dancsházi, with decades of professional experience and a degree in small animal clinical veterinary medicine, members of the Hungarian Small Animal Orthopaedic Association. The pet pharmacy, which distributes pet equipment and care products, as well as pet food for breeders and special nutritional needs, was expanded in 2008 with a webshop.
4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi road 193.
+36 52 485 203
+36 52 541 714
The Bocskai Animal Health Center and Veterinary Pharmacy was opened in 2019 in Bocskaikert, 8 km from Debrecen. They provide the widest possible range of services to livestock keepers. Their main profile is animal health care for dogs and cats. The centre has two examining rooms, a spacious and comfortable waiting room, an X-ray machine, an ultrasound room, an operating room, its own laboratory and a veterinary pharmacy.
4241 Bocskaikert, Debreceni road 25.
+36 30 239 0940
Forma Dental Clinic
At Forma Dental Clinic in Debrecen, you can enjoy state-of-the-art dental services in a modern and relaxed environment. Forma Dental Debrecen is a private dental clinic with the highest standards of hygiene. Quality is at the heart of the management philosophy at Forma Dental Dental Debrecen. The expertise of their excellent dentists, modern dental equipment and quality materials play an essential role in this. For them, long-term patient satisfaction is the key to success. They use only Nobel Biocare’s premium implants from Sweden, which are guaranteed for life. In case of any complications, implants are replaced free of charge. Inlays and zirconium replacements made at the Forma Dental Clinic are guaranteed for 5 years.
4025 Debrecen, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky street 34.
+36 52 998 488
Synlab Debrecen
SYNLAB is the largest laboratory diagnostics service provider in Hungary and Europe. The SYNLAB Group is present in 36 countries on 4 continents, employing more than 24 000 people. In Hungary, they have a nationwide network of blood collection and laboratories – nearly 100 sites – performing a total of 5,000 tests and 45 million tests per year. Their services are available at any time without referral or appointment. Their human diagnostic, environmental analysis and forensic laboratory services are provided to a high standard, with excellent staff and state-of-the-art technical facilities.
4025 Debrecen, Miklós street 5-13.
+36 30 815 2261
Medicover Clinic
Medicover Group is the leading private healthcare provider in Central and Eastern Europe. It has been present in the Hungarian private healthcare market since 1998 and has nearly 400 000 clients using its high quality healthcare services nationwide. As part of the international Medicover Group, Medicover Försäkrings AB (publ) has been providing health insurance services in Hungary since 2007. Our health services are available through both corporate insurance and pay-as-you-go. Our company has a team of nearly 500 highly qualified specialists and the medical staff working with them perform hundreds of thousands of examinations every year.
4026 Debrecen, Hunyadi János street 22.
+ 36 1 465 3131
Since 2004, ANALAB Kft. in collaboration with the specialists of the University of Debrecen has provided environmental analytical measurement services. They compile professional analyses, and organise and carry out expert activities in solving environmental protection problems. In the field of water and soil analysis, the company offers a wide range of classical and instrumental analytical chemical testing methods, which includes the routine testing of samples according to standards, or, if necessary, based on unique methods developed according to special needs.